WebNovelThe JOKER60.53%


"So you're telling me that what I saw earlier wasn't just a fragment of my imagination and was real? If so, why can I see this devourer thing you're telling me?" I asked him. "More so since I don't practice dark arts. Not that I have any idea what that is. Also, I don't worship Death. That's probably the last thing I will do."

Everything I said was true. But that's it. There's no way they will know that I've been at death's door before. Me and this body. They should never know. Because that would mean admitting that this body didn't belong to me. And that would make me... not me. That's why I'd like to bring this secret to my grave.

Could that be the reason why I can see them? But why now? Why haven't they shown themselves earlier?

"Yes, no doubt about that. I'm as puzzled as you are. But I've been curious about this since earlier. Can you show us what's inside that thing?" He pointed at the chest in front of me. "I don't like the energy that it's giving. It reminds me of something." Mr. Vlad said. Everyone's eyes are now on the chest.

"Sure." I lightly pushed it in his direction. I have no plans of ever opening that on my own.

While everyone was focusing on Mr. Vlad, I couldn't help but notice Ethan by my side. He's been like this since the apartment. He's been on edge. If I annoyed him in the slightest, he would most probably snap at me. He was clutching his knees with both his hands. So tight that some of the veins are protruding. Was he scared? Was he angry? I can't know for sure.

"This... Where'd you get this?" Mr. Vlad asked — his eyes remained glued to the paintings. The others peered too and gasped when they saw what was in the chest.

"So ominous," Mr. Chaffer muttered to himself.

"That was sent to me as an apology gift."

"Who sent you?"

"Mr. Carlos. But I don't like that so take it if you want." I'd be grateful if you do. Just take it, please.

"Do you know what this is?"


"They're made using dark art," he said. And trust me, my body went numb. I knew they were bad news from the start. But knowing what they're made with made it worst. "And why would that person send you this? Did he want to curse you or something?"

"I — I don't know." Really, I don't know. But I know that these paintings were from Miss Patricia. Could it be that she had it planned since the start? It was her who approached me first. Even go as far as raising the fee just so I would agree. "Mr. Vlad, haven't you mentioned last time that I was cursed? You even removed it for me, remember?"

Smoke was puffing out of Hariric's nostrils — a load of it. While Victor and Monica inched further from Mr. Vlad.

"Ca— "

"Vlad, I've something to tell you." Ethan interjected. The first time he spoke since we entered this room.

"Sure, just speak."


Mr. Vlad hesitated for a moment but agreed in the end. They left the room — leaving us. And now we're in awkward silence.

I wish one of them would speak at least. But Hariric is so busy puffing smoke with his nostrils. Not that I can understand Victor and Monica either. That leaves me with Mr. Chaffer.

"Mr. Jack, I've been meaning to ask you something. I hope you don't mind," he suddenly said.

"Go ahead. I don't mind."

"Then, forgive my blatantness, but what's your relationship with Mr. Ethan?"

"He's my informant."

"Excuse me? Ah! I mean... I'm sorry. I didn't see that coming."

Hariric scoffed, not even trying to hide his disapproval. Seriously, what's the deal with this guy?

"I see. Please know that I'm not doubting you or anything, Mr. Jack. But how did he become your informant?"

Mr. Chaffer seemed to be greatly shaken by what I told him. But I don't see any problem with my arrangement with Ethan though. Well, except for him being a shapeshifter. But that's it. What's the big deal?

"Long story short. He ambushed me by the underground tunnel one day and shamelessly made himself my informant. The end." He was speechless.

But before we can finish our conversation, Mr. Vlad returned.

"Mr. Vlad, where's Ethan?" I asked him when I saw he was not with him.

"He won't be coming back in a while," he said as he sat on his chair. "And Mr. Jack, let me get straight to the point. Now that it has come to this, you should become a peculiar."

My unexpected meeting with everyone in the mourning castle soon ended. Mr. Vlad sent me back to my apartment and now I am standing in front of my door. I still have a lot of questions. Like what can devourers do exactly? How can I become a peculiar? What will happen from now on? But he told me to go back tomorrow.

Ha! I remembered I still have Alviar to meet tomorrow at nine.

I only wished to live in peace but all these shits keep on happening.

When I got inside my room, I saw Ethan sleeping soundly on my bed. His cheek was bruised.