WebNovelThe JOKER61.40%


Did he finally annoy someone to the point of being punched? I wonder what he said to earn this. But unless he met somebody else tonight, it was Mr. Vlad he last spoke to. Could it be that they got into a fight?

I was about to tell him to use the other room but decided against it. He looked exhausted. That's why that night, I had to use Kai's bedroom. It didn't look any different from mine except that it was empty. But when I woke up, Ethan was gone.

That punk! He didn't even leave a note.

But seriously. That guy has always been a mystery to me. Starting from the day we met, which was not too long ago. I've always had this nagging feeling that he's only putting up a front. Superficial, I would say. But last night, I think I saw a glimpse of him being him. Heh! I don't even know why I'm having this thought right now. But I want to know him. I want to uncover those layers of his. Because I know that he hasn't been totally truthful. I wonder if that's considered being nosy.

"... my kids stop going to school." Madam Helen said to the women around her as they huddled around the food stool that sells skewers and iced tea. Her attempt to whisper was useless. I can clearly hear her from four meters away.

"The world is changing. It's no longer safe like it used to be in the past."

"Couldn't agree more. Who would have thought sorcerers are still rampant to this day? How fortunate they caught that sorcerer before he can curse the city." The woman who's got curlers all over her hair said. I don't know her name.

And I gotta admit. Her mention of sorcerers definitely got my attention. Especially since I know that they're actually peculiars. It's still about an hour before nine so I thought about eavesdropping for a bit.

"Three skewers, please." I said to the vendor. His eyes were glued to the gossiping women while his hands were busy grilling. It's as bright as day that he was interested in the topic as well.

"You must have forgotten about it already, but remember last year? Two sorcerers were burned. A man and a woman." It was Madam Helen as she shot the passing newsboy a scrutinizing look. "But nothing happened to the city. They must have been caught before they could do anything."

"Of course, how can we forget? That was chaos. From what I heard, they had a child. A girl. It was rumored that the child was suffering from the curse of her parents that nobody wanted to take her in. The neighbors claimed they can see her skin turn to flakes and fall off. Sometimes it would bleed and sometimes, she would be covered in pus. I wonder where's that child now."

"I heard the poor kid became homeless and was left wandering in the slums of Berkton." The vendor chimed in. "That was a year ago. I haven't heard anything about her since then."

"Of course! No one wanted to do anything related to sorcerers. Especially a cursed one."

As soon as I got the skewers, I left. I can't help but feel angry while listening to their conversation. This place is messed up. Do they even have any remorse at all? Though I can't blame the people for feeling the way they're feeling, because who wouldn't? But I'm talking about the people taking part in this whole fiasco. It's straight-up brainwashing. I wonder what they get from doing it. I hope they die in the most painful way possible.

"Good morning, Mr. Jack!" greeted Adrian.

"Hello, Adrian. Did somebody came looking for me?"

"Nope. Are you expecting someone, Mr. Jack?"


"Okay. I'll inform you."

"No need. I'll be waiting at the lounge." I told him as I pointed to the ivory-coated divan. I was about to leave when I caught sight of what he was holding. A newspaper. "Are you reading it?"

"Uhh... I was but you can borrow it if you'd like to."

"Thank you."

More missing people, huh. Was someone kidnapping these people?

Aside from the burning of the so-called sorcerer and a few minor news, the upcoming event occupied most parts. The snitch. Honestly, I don't know how I'd fare with that game. I should've asked Ethan. but whatever. Let's cross it when we get to it.

It didn't take long before the entrance door swung open.

"Mr. Jack, someone was looking for you."

And at the entrance stood a muscular man of tall stature. It was Alviar.

"I'm sorry. Did I made you wait?" he said.

"No, I was early. Should we go?"

"Sure. If it's fine with you."