WebNovelThe JOKER79.82%

The whim of the king.

"Ethan, how is it outside?" I asked. I just can't shake off this feeling that something's gonna happen today. And it's not going to be anything good.

He gave me weirded look before saying, "Like the other day, like yesterday. Pretty normal I would say. And why're you asking me this again?"

"Nothing, really. Don't you… feel any changes at all? Like, you don't feel any changes with the people, the atmosphere or something?"

"Like I said, it was pretty normal. No changes whatsoever. Why? You're feeling something?" he asked. But it was obvious he wasn't taking any of these seriously with the sarcasm lacing his voice — insulting almost.

"No. I was just asking. Any peculiar who saw another peculiar burned to death would become paranoid at some point, yeah? And I guess I have all the right to be scared for my life especially now that I actually have all the reason to be so. Am I wrong?"

"Weeeell, yeah! You're right! But there's nothing to worry about outside. At least for now. Though I think acting like how you normally do would do you more good than becoming cautious all of a sudden. People are gonna suspect you more that way just so you know."

"I know."

I'm not sure if my becoming a peculiar has anything to do with it, but I feel like I'm more energetic than usual. Because most of the time, whenever I woke up, I always feel groggy and tired. But now, I feel like I can run a marathon. I'm just oozing with too much energy. But there seems to be a problem with my eyes.

They feel warm. And no! Not the comforting kind of warm. It's quite the opposite in fact. Like a thin layer of slimy substance covering the outer side of my eyes. They feel weird and uncomfortable. But aside from that, I don't feel anything wrong with my body.

'I might only be overthinking things a little.'

"Hey, kid! Can you sell me one newspaper?" I asked the newsboy who frequents this area when I saw him drop one into Madam Helen's mailbox.

"I'm afraid I can't, sir." he said.

"I see. That's sad, but thank you regardless."

"Hey! Young lad! You might wanna buy mine," shouts a drunken man. It was Mr. Mason. One of my many neighbors. And if he ain't drunk, you'll always find him asleep on odd places like roads and alleys. Some passersby would sometimes assume he was dead. But actually, he's just too drunk to go home.

"How much would you sell it to me, sir."

"Very cheap! Just ten dimi!"

"I suggest you don't, sir." The newsboy told me. "That's way too overpriced. And I don't think that belongs to him either."

Way too overpriced indeed. Heck! It was twice the amount of the city library's monthly subscription! I mean, I can try to haggle down the price but I don't know. I have a hunch that's gonna be a bad idea at this time.

I wanted to know what was going on in the city as soon as possible. I might be, and hopefully might only be a little paranoid. Because I really think something's off about the atmosphere.

Although on first look, everything seems normal like what Ethan said. It's just… I can't find the right word for it. Like, something ugly and sinister was boiling underneath the calm facade of this city right now.

It's definitely because of that devourer last night! What's his name again? Right! Ombre! If not for his warning of not going out, I might not be feeling this way.

His warning was way too vague! He could have given me more explanation but the jerk seems to wanna play mysterious and all. But ha! What do I expect out of a devourer?

"You wanna take it or nah?"

"I'll take it, sir."

The newsboy shook his head hearing my answer. He seems to be thinking I am some sort of an idiot or something along the line.

"Hahha! Finally can treat ma self for some expensive booze!" Mr. Mason cheered.

I ignored his almost nonsensical speech about how everyone should appreciate alcohol and put all my attention on the newspaper.

I can't help but raise an eyebrow the moment I saw the front line.

'King Charles Wellington II wishes to vanish the monarchy.'

Huh? The heck is this? From the original Jack's memory, it was a well-known fact that the current king was kind of whimsical. But I never expected it to be at this level.

'He said the following to everyone in the monthly gathering of nobilities yesterday: "It's already 1521, and it was well since 1201 when we transitioned into elective monarchy. It's unfair to only have the king elected. All the nobility should be chosen through election too, don't you think? And all the people should be included in the said election. You know, to be fair." Everyone who gathered there was rendered speechless.'

I don't really know what's going on in his head right now. But whatever it may be, I don't have plans on involving myself in this mess. Though I'm certain it's gonna cause an uproar. I have my own safety to think about and a promise I have to fulfill. Besides, I don't care about the political issues of this world.

"And Ethan, do I really have to carry you like this?" I asked.

You might be wondering. But he's now inside my sling bag. Obviously in his rabbit form. He was adamant to be carried like this earlier.