WebNovelThe JOKER80.70%

Alviar's Advice

"You're already doing it. What's the deal?"

I shook my head. Now that Ethan's back to how he was the first time we met, I don't think expecting to get a proper answer from him is a great idea.

And I started walking. I am headed to Bloodhound Agency to meet Alviar. The meeting time is seven sharp. It's still a quarter past six so I have plenty of time. I guess I'll just walk instead of commuting. That way, I'll be able to save some dimi and observe the place.

Says the person who just spent ten dimi for a newspaper. But that's okay. At least it gave me a sense of relief. Even if it's only for a meager amount.

I saw Madam Helen step out of her door and head to her mailbox. Probably to get the newspaper. And maybe for a split second. I saw her shadow. It didn't look like her. It was thinner. It had its head low and arms in a defensive position like an insecure woman.

Obviously, I was surprised to see that, that it made me stop. I looked at her again and down to her shadow. But it was back to being normal. Like what I saw earlier was only part of my imagination.

"Is anything wrong, young lad? What're you lookin' at?" she asked while raising her brow as if trying to intimidate me.

"No, nothing Madam Helen. I was only passing by. Have a great day!" I told her before turning my back on her and continued to walk. Trying to shake off the weird feeling that started to bloom inside me.

"You okay, idiot?" Ethan asked when we got a little further away from anyone who might hear him speak.

"Yeah! I'm good."

Although he was in my sling bag, he had his head out. I fail to understand what was going on in his head at this moment, but he refused to be carried any other way.

The agency was only a block away from the apartment. And I am now passing through the tunnel where I first met Ethan.

There was another man walking ahead of me. Looking smart in his suit while carrying a leather briefcase. Of course, I didn't mind him. Not that I have any reason to. But for a split second, the surroundings pulsated and his shadow changed into an obese man who refuses to take a single step. But since he was attached to the suit-wearing man, he was being dragged along the way.

I blinked my eyes violently. And his shadow was back to normal.

I don't know what's going on. Was this part of my being a peculiar? But what the heck do all these shadows mean? I don't get it.

I did my best to act as normally as I can. I didn't want other people to suspect there was something wrong with me.

And as I continued to walk, I can feel Ethan's gaze on me.

"Hello, Mr. Jack! G'morning!" greeted Adrian with his usual contagious smile.

"Hello, Adrian."

"Someone's waiting for you at Mr. Alec's office. He's been there since thirty minutes ago."

That's Alviar for sure. But does he really have to be this early? Goodness!

"Thanks!" I told him and rushed going to Mr. Alec's office.

"Good day, Mr. Alec. To you as well, Mr. Alviar." I greeted as soon as I got in. "Did I made you wait?"

"Not really," he said.

I can feel Mr. Alec's gaze on me. It was different than usual. As if he was looking straight into my soul. It made me uncomfortable but acted like I didn't notice it nonetheless.

"Should we go now?" I asked Alviar.

"Sure! Let's go. We still have a lot of things to do. And it might be better to arrive there earlier so you'd have the time to calm your nerves before starting."


We excused ourselves to Mr. Alec and got out of his office. But I can feel his eyes on me even as we closed the door.

Riding a horse-drawn carriage, we arrived at the arena. It was packed.

"Let's use the back gate. I don't think we can get to our spot without being dragged by all these people." Alviar told me. "Quick, before they notice us."

According to what Alviar told me, normal people aren't allowed to use the back door. But participants can.

He showed a card to the gatekeeper and we were easily given permission to get in.

"Now, Mr. Jack. Just a piece of advice. If anyone tried to talk to you, do your best to ignore them or excuse yourself to get away from them. Because nine out of ten times, possibilities are they're just trying to coax you into doing their shits."

"Also, if you can. Try being neutral as possible. We don't want to make an enemy out of the other participants. Some might even try to agitate you purposely," he added.