WebNovelThe JOKER81.58%

Other Participants

He excused himself for a while, he said he needed to get something and that he wouldn't be gone for long. And I was left there alone. Standing beside the mustardy tent made with tarps. A tent so huge I could have fit the whole of my bedroom inside.

Everyone was busy. Whenever I see anyone, it's either they're carrying something or half-running to who knows where. I assume they were the organizers.

"Hey, idiot! Put me down, quick!" Ethan suddenly said in a small voice — almost in a whisper.

And I shot him a confused look. He had his head out but he cannot get out of the sling bag due to how tight I was holding it. "C'mon! Don't just stare at me. Put me down," he said.

I shrugged and put him down like he was telling me to do. And he hopped out of the bag and said, "I'll see you later." And he disappeared into the tent.

What's he up to?

Less than a minute after he got inside the tent, I thought of a stupid idea. Yeah I know it's stupid but still gonna do it anyway. I decided to see what's that white rabbit up to.

I scanned the surroundings first, trying to see if Alviar is back but he was nowhere in sight. And so, I headed to the tent entrance.

I hesitated for a little bit. What if I'm not allowed here? But for some odd reason, my urge to find out what Ethan was up to was far stronger than my common sense at that moment.

Carefully, I peeked behind the tarps and saw a couple of people inside. Around five of them. Four men and a woman.

"Hey! Only participants are allowed here," said the man sitting on the highest stool. The ginger-haired woman who was sitting on his lap looked at me.

"I'm one of the participants." I told him.

He raised a brow at me. Everyone in the room is now giving me a curious look.

"Ho? Haven't seen you before. I'm guessing you're a substitute. What's your number?"


"You're with Alviar huh. C'mon! Why don't you get in? You know. Getting to know each other before the match?"

"Uhm… Well, if you say so." And I strode inside. They offered me a stool. Normally, that would have bothered me, but my head was too occupied with Ethan's whereabouts.

"Uhh… I know it might sound odd. But have you guys seen a rabbit getting here?"

"A rabbit?" The woman sitting on the man's lap asked.

"Yes. A white rabbit."

"I'm afraid I haven't seen a white rabbit getting in. Have you, guys?" she asked the other three with a toothy grin that didn't quite reach her eyes. But they only shook their heads. I have the impression that they're not comfortable with this woman around. So am I.

But huh? That's impossible! I definitely saw Ethan getting inside.

"Are — Are you sure?"

"Of course. Look around you. Can you see any rabbit?" she said in a condescending tone.

I hated to admit it, but there's definitely no Ethan inside. No rabbit whatsoever.

"I see. Thank you. And I hate to say this, but I guess I'll have to excuse myself. I'll have to find my partner." I told them. I didn't have a reason to stay here now that Ethan wasn't here. The other reason was that I didn't like to hang out with these people.

But when I stood from the stool, the surroundings pulsated, again. But this time, it was accompanied by a sharp jolt in my temples that caused me to stagger a bit.

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay, dude?" asked the man who first spoke to me.

"Y—Yeah! I'm fine. Don't mind me." I said while trying my best not to act weirdly. Especially when I saw the woman's shadow cast on his face as she was sitting on his lap. Her shadow was holding its head instead of being attached to the neck.

It took a lot of effort from me not to react. I squeezed my eyes furiously, and when I opened them again, her shadow was back to normal.

Geez! This peculiar thing is getting annoying. It's gonna get me in trouble if can't learn to control it any sooner.

"If you say so. But if you're looking for Alviar, it's best to wait for him here. I'm Juan by the way. As in number one. But my number's four. And this is Bella. My partner and my girl."

"Oh! I see. You can call me Jack."

Bella shot me a smile — a flirty one before burying her face in Juan's neck.

The other three introduced themselves to me as well.

There's Fred who looked skinny but muscular. His partner Joe who always looks in the opposite direction whenever our eyes meet. I find him the oddest out of the bunch, to be honest. They're number two.

And lastly, there's Leon. He wore thick rounded glasses and has a scholarly air to him. His partner hasn't arrived yet and they're number nine. He refused to speak to us after introducing himself. Instead, he had his attention fully on his book. It helps him calm his nerve and sharpen his focus, according to him.

While I just sat there rather awkwardly. I didn't like the flirty glances Bella is giving me. I find her disgusting. She's sitting on her man's lap but she's doing that. And dude! Are you okay with that?