Chapter 14

The girls listen to the sounds of the horse's hooves hit the ground. The women sometimes slid and hit each other now and then when the carriages went over some rocks, or hit holes in the ground. Jaysa was scared of what will happen when they reach the castle. However, since Jaysa just made a friends, she didn't feel as scared as she was before. The sounds of the clapping from the horse shoes began to slow down and the girls heard a man speak out. It was a command to stop the horse where they were.

We must have reached the castle. Jaysa thought to herself. The woman waited as they felt the wagon bounce up and down. They heard footsteps and knew it was because the men were getting off the wagon. The girls waited for the back doors to open and reveal the men on the other side. The girls were unsure how long they were in the carriage, however, when the bright light lit up the inside of the chariot; it stung the girl's eyes. It took several minutes before their eyes adjusted to the rays of the sun that now glared down on them.

"Slaves! Get out now!" The man demanded. The girls remove themselves from the wagon, Jaysa, not far behind. The teen girl looked at the castle that stood in front of her. It was humongous. Jaysa only seen it from afar and knew it would be enormous, but not this massive in size. The castle was made out of expensive stones that only royalty could buy. Jaysa was in awe, that she almost fell down when she felt the guard push her while he spoke, "move slave!"

Before the women entered the castle, the men shackled the girls so they couldn't escape. The shackles were tightly gripped around the wrists and ankles, biting into their flesh. There was a chain link from the shackles on their bodies into each other. So if one of the girls tries to run, she would pull the other women along.

Once in the castle, the men led the girls down a long hallway, soon turning into a flight of stairs that led them down. Trying to walk those stairs in their condition was very stressful. Many women tripped over themselves, which almost turned into a domino effect. The guards would not help the women. They would instead yell out threats like

"if you don't get up, we will drag you down the stairs."

Jaysa felt bad for the women that actually fell down. She had tripped many times herself, but had never fallen down. Finally, they reached the bottom of the long stairway. The girls were led into a dark area. The air was thick and muggy. Jaysa was having a hard time breathing in the air. The only light they received was from the little candles that flickered on the side of the walls. She looked around the new surrounding and saw cells on both sides of the room; some already held women in them. There was a tall muscular guard with jet black hair and tan skin who took over the position of the last guard that brought the girls down the stairs. The woman stood in the room with the new set of guards. The leader motioned for two other guards to unshackle some of the women. Another man appeared into the woman's view. He was fatter and shorter than the other guards. He opened one of the cells allowing the other man to literally toss the women in them, making them hit the cement hard. The chubby man closed the cell door after the two guards removed themselves from the cells. The men repeated this until all the women were in each cell. Jaysa and Erica were separated.

Jaysa glanced around the new area that she was harshly tossed into. She got up to her feet and stood her ground. Jaysa didn't care that they tossed her in the disgusting cell. She stood proud. Even though she did not show fear, the women in the cell did. Jaysa's eyes met with their terrified faces. She believed these were the girls that came in earlier to her arrival. The two men that threw the girls in the cells were back at their post. The tall jet haired man that walking back and forth between the cells was one of the generals. He spoke to the women as he paced around the cells.

"Listen up slaves! The Prince will be here tomorrow to check out all you ugly hags." The man chuckled before he continued. "If Prince does not pick you then we could make you ours. And don't worry, we won't bite." The man spoke with a low tone. The women were unsure if he was trying to sound sly or cruel. The man felt eyes burning into his back. He walked up to Jaysa cell, which made the women cower. Jaysa did not move, nor be intimidated by the man in front of her. He smirked at her. "You my dear would be fun to play with." Jaysa stood her ground and did not bat an eye. The man stared at her for several seconds before yelling out. "Boo." Jaysa not expected the man to do something like that, jumped. She lost her composure. The man laughed at the girl before walking away from her cell. The men couldn't leave without making sex jokes that the women could hear.

Once the woman could no longer hear the clicking of the boots, they sighed in relief. Jaysa could hear the women cry and knew their fear. Even though she acted tough, she was just a scared as the women in the cells. Fear was not the only emotions she felt. Another emotion lingering inside her and that was anger. She was pissed. How could the Prince do this to these women? He'd rather turn them into sex slaves than sending them back home with their families. He was just like his uncle. Nothing good was going to come out of this. Her knuckles were turning white because of how tight she squeezed she fist in a tight ball. Her finger nails were digging into her palm making it bleed. She wanted to retaliate against these men that believed they were better because they had a cock. Jaysa wanted to scream and yell at them, telling them that they were cowards. No, not cowards, they were pieces of shit. Jaysa was broken from her thoughts when she felt something tugged her clothes. The teenager looked down to see a small girl. Jaysa dropped to her knees to be eye to eye with a small child. Before a word was uttered from Jaysa's lips, a woman ran over to the small girl and scooped her up.