Chapter 15

"This is my baby girl. Please don't hurt her." The woman begged. Jaysa looked at the woman and put on a gentle smile. She was trying to calm the frantic woman.

"I won't hurt her." Jaysa spoke hoping to assure the woman she meant no harm. The woman nodded but was still wary of the young teenager that stood in front of her. Jaysa watched as the woman disappeared into the shadows with her daughter. Why is there a little girl in here? Jaysa wondered, but knew she would never receive an answer. The teenager looked around the cell. The bricks looked old and had scratches and cracks all over them. Between some of the bricks were holes that rats could squeeze through. Jaysa soon found an empty spot she claimed for herself. The women were nowhere close by her. She sighed as she looked at the ceiling. The events have been running around in her thoughts. She didn't know how much time had passed. Without any sign of the outside, there was no way to determine if it was day or night.

Suddenly a loud noise broke her out of her thoughts. The women could hear chatter coming from the other side of the door. It was male voice and it sounds there were many. The way they spoke did not sound normal like they did earlier. The men stumbled into the cell area and that was when they realized the men were tipsy or dead drunk. Each man walked up to a different cell making vulgar comments to the women. Jaysa watched as the women showed anxiety on their faces. The woman cried and begged the men to leave them alone. The men laughed at how frightened the women were. One man held the bottle in his hand chugged it down. He set it down on the ground and walked over to one of the cells. He looked over a girl that caught his eyes. He wanted her to have some fun with him. The man pulled out the keys from his belt making him stumble sideways and almost loose his balance. The women in the cell were certain of what the drunk was about to do. He tried to stable his shaking hand so the key would slide in and the clicking noise was heard. The guard opened up the cell door. He stared at the girl with lust in his eyes. His face flushed from the alcohol. The man took a step into the cell when there was a voice addressing him.

"What do you think you're doing?" The man jumped from the sound of the voice and turned around. He found the man who spoke to him was his boss. He glared down at the shorter man waiting for a response.

"I… I… I am… You know…" The man stuttered out. "I just wanted to scare them a little I swear." The man tried to laugh it off as a joke he had no intention of proceeding with the act.

"If any these women are picked by the Prince and he finds out that they are not virgins, it will come back to me. And if I get into trouble, I'll be after your ass." The taller man spoke. His gaze was ice cold and glared at the man. He looked away for just a moment before he turned back to that gentleman and smirked. "After the Prince finds someone he wants. Then you can scare them as much as you like." The shorter man began to chuckle.

"Yes, your right." The man removed himself from the cell. He locked it up and glanced over at the girl he had his eyes on. He grinned, showing off his yellow stained teeth. "We might have to wait until later sweetheart." The man smacked his lips in a kissing motion then walked off laughing. Jaysa kept her eyes on the taller man as he ushered the other men out and blew out the candles in the dungeon. The only light they had begun to disappear. Before the man blew out the last candle he spoke,

"All you hags better sleep well and get your beauty rest. Then maybe you might look somewhat appealing to the Prince." The man laughed after he blew out the last candle. He closed the door leaving the women in pure darkness.

Jaysa listened as the women continued their cries. There was no way she wanted to sleep in this pathetic place. The teen girl only wished that everything would go back to normal. She wished her mother to be alive and well. She desired for this world to have peace again. Jaysa tried to fight with all her might to not fall asleep, but it still came over her. She slipped into a quiet slumber. A place no one could touch her, a place that only exists in her dreams.

Jaysa laid on something nice and soft. She felt her hair lightly blow against her head and face. It felt more like she was outside in the sun, but there was no way that she could possibly be. She was stuck in that nasty cell. There was no way she was outside.

"… Jaysa…" Jaysa moved a bit. She was comfortable where she was. She didn't want to get disturbed. "… Jaysa…" The voice came again.

This voice sounds familiar. Jaysa thought to herself. It sounds like... Jaysa's eyes open and looked at her new surroundings.She was no longer in the castle's dungeon, but rather in a meadow. It was filled with flowers as far as the eye can see. It was beautiful. In the middle of the field was her mother. She wore her long hair down allowing the soft and silky strands get carried away with a light wind that blew. She had on a long white dress that was also fluttering with the breeze. Jaysa watched as her mother bent down to pick up some flowers. Jaysa was frozen from joy and shock. She couldn't move, just watch the scene wondering if it was real. Her mother smiled as she walked over to her daughter and handed over the fresh picked flowers.