Chapter 26

"Please." She cried out. Danzel stopped in his tracks. "Please, I beg you. Just kill me." Jaysa was on her knees, but her body was arched over. She could feel tears building up in her eyes. She didn't want to cry in front of him, so she hung her head instead. She began to cry again but would not show the tears that were threatening to fall. She tried her best to hold back the tears, but they fell anyway. "Please! Pl… Please!" Her voice started to crack because of the tears that were falling down her face. Danzel was completely puzzled by the act the girl was showing him. He took a step forward. He opened his mouth, but he stopped himself when he saw tears fall to the floor. She was really crying. This wasn't an act. She was crying for real. She was pleading to him, pleading for him to send her to her death. Why?

"Why do you ask for death?" The question came out of Danzel's mouth. "You asked me the same thing in the dungeon. Why? Do you really want to die?" Danzel's heart felt like it was being squeezed by some unseen force. He met her, found her, and now she wanted to die.

"Why?" Jaysa spoke, breaking Danzel's thoughts. "Why do you ask? Of course you know why." Danzel stayed quiet. Jaysa's voice was quiet at first, but grew louder by each word until she started to shout out. "It would be better than being brutally raped by you and other men in this castle." She was looking at the man that stood in front of her. She knew that fear and anger was shown on her face. She was pissed at herself for showing this man her weakness, but scared of what would happen next.

"Rape?" Danzel responded. "Who's getting raped?" Danzel was completely confused. Where did that come from? He thought. Jaysa tears stopped as she looked at the Prince wondering if he was playing games.

"Me, you're going to rape me." A chuckle was heard to the room. "This is not funny." Jaysa yelled. "Isn't that why you brought me here?" Jaysa was quiet as she spoke the last part. Danzel just gawked at her.

So that's what she thought. Danzel thought. She believed that I brought her here to ravish her. I do want her, but not like that. He took in a breath and sighed. "I'm not here to rape you or have anyone else rape you." Danzel spoke. "I thought that you would want to sleep on the bed than a concrete floor in the cells. If you would like I can send you back to the cells and let you sleep down there if you prefer." Jaysa just stared at the Prince. Her head was cocked to one side. She was unsure of what he was thinking.

"Why me?" Danzel smirked. Jaysa could feel the fear building up inside her again.

"Because," he spoke. "I'm going to make you my bride." He spoke.

"What was the comment about making my life a living hell?" Jaysa questioned.

"That was just for fun." Danzel chuckled.

"For fun?" She spoke out in the hiss between her teeth. "You said it was just for fun, and then you turn around and tell me you want me as your bride. Are you crazy?" She yelled.

"You don't know the half of it." Danzel smirked at her.

"What are –" Jaysa stopped in sentence. He wants her to be his bride? Could this be what the dream and destiny was leading her to? If she married him, she would change the future. However, even if it's for the future of her people, would she be happy?"

"What happened?" Danzel spoke to Jaysa. "Are you rethinking about becoming my bride?" He grinned at the woman in front of him. Jaysa wanted to so badly remove that smug look off of the man's face. If he was not going to kill her, but instead make her his bride, she would probably live with that. However, if he was planning on saying stuff like he said before, then she would give him the taste of his own medicine.

"Hell no," she spoke. "I was thinking if marrying a bastard like you would make me happy." Danzel could only smirk. The girl from the past was back. The feisty side of the girl he loved. Danzel walked over to the young girl. He bent down on one knee. He grabbed her chin and pulled her into a kiss. Jaysa tried to pull away, but his other hand had made its way to the back of her head holding her place. She still struggled with the man. She put her hands on his chest and used it as leverage to push away from the man, but was unable to get very far. She felt something wet lick her lips. It was his tongue. She was not going to allow him to kiss her like that. Danzel however, was getting impatient. The hand that held the back of Jaysa's had turned into a fist. He held some of her hair in his fist and pulled down making her gasp in pain. He took that chance and stuck his tongue into her mouth. The young woman was dirtier than the last time that he had seen her. However, she tasted as sweet as she did back then. Jaysa was appalled that he had used a trick like that to deepen the kiss, so she bit down on his tongue. Danzel pulled away from her, breaking the kiss in the process. First she slapped him and now he bites her tongue. Jaysa's eyes were squinted shut not knowing if he was going to hit her for what she had done. She waited but nothing happened. She opened one eye and was shocked that her other eye open to verify what she was seeing was real. He was still smirking. Why was he smirking? She smacked him and gets whipped. She bites his tongue and he smirks.

What kind of game is this guy playing? Jaysa thought. She was past confused. She didn't know what to think about this man and what was going on in that man's mind.

"This will be lots of fun." She heard Danzel speak.

What? She thought.

"I can't wait to make you mine." Danzel stood up from the spot and looked down at the confused girl in front of him. "I want to know your name." Danzel demanded.

"Why?" Jaysa asked sarcastically.

"Well, you will be my wife. So I should at least know your name." Jaysa looked the man in front of her.

"Who said I'll be your wife?" Jaysa spoke.

"I did." Danzel said proudly. Jaysa stared at the man. He was playing games with her, and the way he held the smirk on his face, he was enjoying it.

"So you think because you say that, then I have to follow your orders. What if I don't want to be your bride?" Jaysa spoke out. Danzel just grinned. "What, nothing to say?"