Chapter 27

"I don't care if you want to be my bride or not. You will be my wife, and you will tell me your name." Danzel finally spoke. He knew he would have her no matter what, but he wanted to at least know her name. He waited for her to answer, but she just glared back at him with a fire in her eyes. "Fine," he spoke. "If you don't want to tell me your name, I'll just call you whatever I think. Let's see." Danzel had his arm in a thinking mode with his index finger at the thumb resting on the chin.

Is he really trying to think of a name to call me? Jaysa thought to herself. He's probably going to come up with some weird names.

"How about Carnal, or Bratzy or how about Dis –"

"Okay enough." Jaysa yelled out. She couldn't believe that he was planning on calling her any of those names. "My name is Jaysa!" The young girl yelled. She managed to stand up on her feet and glared up at the man that stood in front of her. "My name is Jaysa, and you better not forget it."

"Jay…sa…." Danzel spoke the name out slowly. "Jaysa, I like that" Jaysa believed that Danzel was giving her a hard time and didn't know that Danzel was ecstatic to finally know the name of the young girl he had met before. "As soon as we get married and only will we are alone, I will allow you to call me by my birth name."

"And what is that?" Jaysa asked.

"Are you that eager to know my name?" Danzel questioned.

"No," Jaysa turned her head away from Danzel. "I'll call you whatever I want. I don't need to know your name."

"Why do you act like this?" He asked Jaysa.

"Like what?" She spoke back. "You're the one that wants to play this game and not telling me your name." Jaysa spoke back. Danzel gritted his teeth. He wanted to play this game, but secretly, he wanted her to know his name. He could tell the way she acted, that he'd never be able to tell her his name. He sighed, designed to give up the game.

"Fine, my name is Danzel." He spoke.

"I never asked you for your name." Jaysa spoke not caring.

"What?" Danzel began to speak out.

"Danzel, huh," Jaysa spoke. Danzel's heart about jumped out of his chest when he heard her speak out his name. He looked down at Jaysa as she spoke, "and who said I was marrying you." Danzel knew that he had fallen and hard. He could keep going back and forth with her all day. He just loves everything about her. The anger in her eyes, the way her tiny hands turned into fists of fury. He knew he was going to love her forever, but right now, he'd die before he told her that.

Several days had passed, and Jaysa was still stuck in the same room the Prince left her in. He back had healed to the point that she no longer felt the pain. Some women that worked at the castle had come into the room. The maids brought in bright colored clothes that she could change into. The caregivers would set the clothes down on the edge of the bed. They would also bring in carts of food filled with several vegetables and meat that she had never eaten before because her family was so poor. Jaysa was so frightened every time the women came into the room because she didn't know what was going to happen. So she would always hide scrunched up in a ball in the corner of the room. She would ignore the clothes, but once the woman left the room Jaysa would gobble up the food. When she finally gained back her strength and she realized that the woman had no plans of harming her. She would ask the women questions about what was going on.

"Please." She would beg the women. "What is that man thinking? Does he plan on making me his wife? Please tell me." No matter how much she pleaded, it would fall on deaf ears. The women would just bow and leave the girl with questions unanswered. She doesn't know how many times she had questioned the women. She finally gave up. Danzel had not seen her since the day he brought her in here. She couldn't figure out what was going on in his head. Jaysa sighed.

Later that day, the women came back and with her dinner plate. They have always been bringing in three meals a day for her. Again, she asked the women questions, and the same thing happened, they ignored her. Once the women left again not speaking to Jaysa, she started on the food. Today they brought her plate's filled with beef, some chicken and homemade bread. After cleaning out the plates, Jaysa laid back on the bed, her stomach was full and happy. Several hours had passed and Jaysa sat up in the bed. She looked over at the bright fabrics she knew was a dress. She looked down at her own clothes. They were torn and stained with blood. She didn't want to admit it, but she really needed to change. Jaysa crawled over to the corner of the bed and extended her arm to pick up the dress. She stopped when she saw how filthy she had become. Jaysa pulled her hand away covering it with her other hand. She sat on her knees with her legs under her bottom and hung her head. She couldn't wear something like that when she was so dirty, but she also couldn't keep wearing the clothes, no, it she couldn't call them clothes anymore. More like rags. She debated for a moment and decided. He's the one requesting for her to wear something like this. So if the dress gets dirty. It's his fault. She slipped out of the rags she would wear every day. She stood only in the under cloth she wore around her hips and tucked between her legs. She was surprised that the man that attacked her did not rip the cloth. She sighed again as she reached over for the one piece.