Chapter 34

Where did he go? She questioned herself. She looked around and instead found a man that looked like a Noble staring at her. He was dressed in a fancy three-piece blue suit. He was breathing heavily on her which she could smell the liquor on his breath. It made her almost want to puke. His hair was combed back and his face fluster from the alcohol. She noticed the bottle in his hand.

"What the hell woman!" The man slurred out. "Why're you all up in my way?" Jaysa looked at the man. He was completely drunk. He swayed back and forth unable to stay in one spot. "What are you looking at whore? I can't believe the King married trash like you. You're disgusting." The man blurted out. He took a swig of the bottle he held in his hand. The man hovered closer to Jaysa's face. She felt very uncomfortable by what the man was doing. "What?" He spoke. "Cat got your tongue?" The man slurred. Jaysa moved her head away from the man's alcoholic breath. She was unsure of what to do. There is no way that she could escape this situation with this man hovering over her.

"What you think you're doing?" Jaysa heard a man's voice come from behind her. She knew right away who the voice belonged to. The drunken man must have not known because he decided to spout out some insult to the man.

"I'm talking to this slut." His body was swinging all over the place as he held the liquor bottle flinging it around as he spoke. "This little whore is going to make out with the King, don't you find it disgusting?" The drunken man spoke out and looked up at the man he spoke to. His face went pale like a ghost. "Y…you… Your Majesty!" The drunken man stopped what he was saying and hurried up and bowed in respect.

"Why are you harassing my wife?" Danzel hissed at the man. Jaysa saw the man's body twitched as her husband spoke to him in a rude manner. "What do you find disgusting about her?" He questioned the man waiting for an answer. The drunken Noble could only stutter out some words.

"I'm sorry, I… I guess, I was just…" The man trailed off. He seemed to be a bit sober when he realized he was speaking to the King. Danzel's eyes were ice cold and glared at the man. He still waited for a proper answer that the man had never given to him as of yet. Jaysa looked over at her husband. Even though he was interrogating the man, in reality he just saved her from the drunk noble. No, she couldn't think that way. He married her for fun and to become King and that was it. He doesn't care for her. So she shouldn't fall for his actions either. She turned to walk away when she heard her husband called out to her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Danzel asked his wife. Jaysa just looked at him like he really just asked that question.

"You look busy questioning that man so I'm deciding to leave." Jaysa said as she was ready to walk away. Danzel spoke out again.

"I left to go get another drink because my glass was empty. When I came back you were flirting with this drunk." Jaysa turned on her heels to face Danzel and almost yelled out.

"I was not flirting with that drunk." He made her so mad thinking that she would do something like that. "If anything, you saved me from that man." Jaysa gasped as he realized what she just said to him. He smiled.

"If I saved you, then I guess I'm your knight in shining armor." He laughed. Jaysa didn't find it humorous at all. Danzel's features went from laughing to being serious as he spoke. "If it's true that he came onto you, then I should trust that you will never cheat on me?" Jaysa just stared at him for a moment before speaking.

"I'm not that type of person unlike you." Danzel just laughed at her again. She was getting tired of all this. She wanted to leave now, so she turned and walked away from her husband. She was surprised that he didn't call after her again. She was walking towards one of the exits when she heard a female speak out.

"Where you going, my lady?" A caregiver asked. Jaysa didn't even turn to look at the young woman as she spoke.

"I'm starting to get tired. I want to go to bed" Jaysa replied trying to sound as if she was really tired. She even faked a yawn. She heard the caregiver's footsteps coming closer to her.

"If my lady is tired, I will take you to your room." The young woman bowed. Jaysa smiled sweetly at the young woman as she raised her head up. She was young and beautiful as all the rest of the women that took care of the castle. She motioned Jaysa to leave the room and had her follow her which Jaysa faithfully did.