Chapter 33

It's him. She thought. She had never seen the man before, so she could not understand why he bore hatred towards her. Wait. Maybe she did. She was a poor dirty peasant that married the Prince, no King. If that was so, then he would only be the first of the many people to have a grudge against her. She tried to move, but she was frozen. He bore his hazel eyes deep inside hers. She tried to move towards him, but suddenly there was someone standing in front of her that was big and fleshy. Whatever trance she was in was broken now. She looked up to the person that stood in her way. Jaysa realized it was the Priest that had married them. "Oh, I'm sorry." Jaysa began to say. "I wasn't paying attention."

"No, it's fine." The Priest spoke back. He looked at her and then around the crowd of people. "Why are you not with his Majesty?" The Priest asked. Jaysa stayed quiet for a moment then spoke.

"Are you saying I have to be around that jerk?" She had her arms crossed. She really didn't care if she was with him or not. He was not paying any attention to her. Wait! Where did that come from? I'm not jealous that he was not paying attention to me, am I? Her thoughts were broken when she heard the Priest speak out.

"It's your wedding. You should be with your husband." Jaysa just turned her head with her arms crossed not wanting to look at the man.

"Will I always have you bug me about my husband?" The Priest just chuckled. "Can I ask you something?" The Priest nodded and waited for her to ask her question. "Would you be able to tell me your name just in case?" Jaysa was unsure if maybe she was rude to the man by asking something like that. However, the man just smiled at her and spoke.

"Its fine my darling." He spoke. "My name is Joseph."

"Thank you. I like to know the names of people around me. Would you like my name?" Joseph just shook his head. She was confused on why he didn't want to know her name. Did he just want to call her Queen just like everyone else?"

"I already know your name, Jaysa, Danzel speaks about you quite a bit." Speaking of that, what are you doing over here?" Jaysa looked at the Priest. She saw that his eyes held worry in them.

"I…" She started. "I saw a man glaring at me. I wanted to find out why." Jaysa admitted.

"A man?" The Priest eyebrows went up then his features suddenly change. "Where did you see that man?" Jaysa pointed behind the Priest.

"He was standing right there." Joseph turned to look behind him. He saw no one familiar, or the person who he was thinking of. He turned to face the young girl and spoke.

"Do you remember what he looks like?" Jaysa thought for a moment. She couldn't remember anything but his burning brown eyes.

"I don't know. I don't remember. I'm sorry." She spoke quietly. Joseph just sighed.

"Please," he spoke. "Stay by Danzel. He will protect you." Joseph spoke to the young girl. Especially if it's the person I'm thinking about. Joseph thought to himself.

"Protect? Why? I thought I was a tool for him to get married nothing more." She spoke out. She was trying to not sound rude but she couldn't help herself.

"Who said that?" Joseph asked.

"Everyone knows that the Prince has to marry by their 18th birthday or they will lose their position to become King." Joseph only nodded. He knew very well how the law was set up.

"But that's only one reason why he picked you." Jaysa's features changed and looked at the Priest questionably.

There was another reason? What could that be? She thought. "What? Is this other reason?" Jaysa asked. She believed there really wasn't one, but had to ask anyway.

"He'll have to tell you that himself." Joseph spoke gently to her. He sounded sincere. So maybe there was another reason. Jaysa open her mouth to ask again, when another man showed up. He was younger than Joseph and dressed in the same robes. The two men spoke to one another. Jaysa was unsure what they were speaking about. Joseph turned back to Jaysa and spoke. "I'll have to go, but if you need anything, you can come to me any time." Jaysa nodded and watched the two men walk away. He was a very nice man, probably the only one in the castle. It could be because he was a Priest. Jaysa smiled. She might have found someone to trust.

"What are you smiling about?" Jaysa turned to see her husband standing behind her. "Are you enjoying yourself? I bet it's better than any parties you peasants throw." He smirked at Jaysa. He held the glass of alcohol in his hand.

"I have more fun helping animals give birth then these fake events you call a party?" Jaysa spoke back. Danzel chuckled at his wife.

"Are you saying you disapprove?" He questioned.

"What's there to approve. It's your party." She spat.

"You mean our wedding ceremony." Danzel spoke with a grin.

"You have that wrong." Jaysa spoke again. "It's your wedding. I'm just forced to be here." She crossed her arms and turned her head to face the right. She didn't want to see this man. Jaysa couldn't believe that she was so dazzled by this man. He must be some kind of magician. She thought. Even though she thought of that, witchcraft was banned in this Kingdom. If any was found using any type of magic, they would be killed right away. So she knew well that he was not a wizard. Danzel looked at her? And wondered what was going on in her head.

"What's so funny?" He asked. She flashed a fake smile and spoke.

"Nothing you could care for." She spoke to her husband.

"Are you sure you weren't thinking of some perverted things?" He questioned with a smirk.

"What, no? I'm not like you." She spoke quite loud. Danzel smirked. There's that damn smirked again. He thinks that everything is a damn joked. She thought as she glared at her husband. Her fists were tightly clenched. Danzel took a step towards Jaysa until he was almost touching her body with his. He leaned in and whispered into her ear.

"You may be fighting me now, but tonight, I'll have you crying in my arms." Jaysa turned bright red. She knew right away what he was talking about. She would have to have sex with this man. Danzel pulled his face away from her ear and looked her in the eyes. He grinned seeing her flushed face. He reached up his hands and gently rubbed her cheek. "I will make you mine." Danzel's blue eyes pierced into Jaysa's. She felt like she was in a daze. She was pulled out of whatever daze she was in when she felt someone bumped into her. She looked around and realized her husband had disappeared from her sights.