Chapter 44

"We are not in public." Jaysa snapped back. "It's only us four."

"That makes it public." He spoke back. "If it's just us, then you can call me by my name. However, if there is a third party. Then you do not call me by my name." He spoke. He was dead serious and Jaysa could only roll her eyes.

How can he be so upset over a name? She questioned herself. Is he an idiot? Her eyes rolled as she spoke. "Whatever," her eyes then focused on Danzel and changed the tone of her voice. "I wanted to see the girls in the cells and some bastard would not let me in. Why is that?" Danzel chuckled. Jaysa didn't find the situation amusing at all. The next comment Danzel made, riled Jaysa up even more.

"Well, now I know my guards are doing their jobs." She did not see why this was funny to him. Jaysa wanted to help those girls and if she had to go through him, then that was what she would do. Even if she had to bow down to this man, she was still irritated by the way he acted.

"This is no laughing matter. I know you don't care, but I do." Jaysa's voice carried throughout the entire room. The priest and young maid stayed completely silent. They were surprised that the young Queen would yell at the King as she did. The King only found it to be humorous as he chuckled at the young woman. Danzel soon stopped chuckling at Jaysa and glared at her.

"How dare you speak to me like that woman?"

"Oh, now we're getting sexist?" Jaysa spat. Danzel's eyes were red with anger.

"You promised me you would let those girls go free. You promised I would be able to make sure they would get home safely. I want you to fulfill that promise now!" Jaysa yelled out. Danzel growled at Jaysa and stood closer to her, invading her personal space. Joseph and the young maid were chewing their lips wondering if they should stop them or not. Danzel spoke out to the woman standing in front of him.

"And if you remember you broke that promise when you came barging into the dining room."

"That and this are completely different!" Jaysa yelled back.

"Ho... How are they different? That was the promise you made and you bro-."

"I'm saying to let those girls out. If you don't then I'll make sure that you are embarrassed all the time, no matter who is around." Jaysa spoke out.

"So are you trying to threaten me?" Her husband asked.

"No." Jaysa spoke back. "I will make this my promise." Danzel stared into his wife's eyes full of determination. He didn't want to lose to her, but he knew that she would keep that promise, and that is one promise he does not want her to keep. He closed his eye and took in a deep breath and let it out. He opened them and looked into the brown eyes that were staring at him. He finally spoke out.

"If I let you take those whores home, would you quit your bitching and leave?" Jaysa smirked on the inside. She had won.

"It depends if you keep me here stalling, and not help me set those girls free." His eyes bore deep in his wife's. She held determination in her eyes. He couldn't help it. That was the one part he loved about her. He just couldn't say no.

"Fine, take those whores to their families and Joseph," the priest looked up at Danzel meeting his eyes. "Go with her Majesty to make sure she is able to get into the dungeon." Joseph nodded. Jaysa looked at her husband and smiled. He finally did something nice. She bowed by lifting up her dress a little and arching forward. She lowered her head. Danzel was shocked. He didn't expect her to do something like that, but was still pleased with her actions.

"Thank you your Majesty." She lifted up her head and smiled at Danzel. He couldn't help but give her a small smile back at her.

"Now go." He spoke. Both the maid and Joseph bowed and left with Jaysa. After everyone left, Danzel walked back to his throne and sat down. He had his arms resting on his arm rest and his head resting on his knuckles that were partly closed in his palm. She did have a cute side, but it only showed when she got what she wanted. He was able to see so many sides of her. Her anger face, her tearful face, smiling face, and his favorite, her erotic face. He could still remember the lust in her eyes. He knew she wanted more just like him. How will he be able to bed her without her freaking her out? For heaven sakes, she was his wife, and he hasn't been able to touch her as much as he wanted to. He smirked. He will slowly let her drown in pleasure until she sinks to the bottom and starts to beg for more. He chuckled to himself. He couldn't wait.