Chapter 52

Jaysa returned to the castle safe and sound. She was still excited that she was able to see the family's joy in their eyes when they met again. She was even able to see her mother again as well. Jaysa hoped she could talk Danzel into letting her go to the village and check up on everyone there every now and then. She also needed to talk to her husband about helping the villagers get back to normal. The villagers were truly grateful for the young women's return, so Jaysa wanted to help them as well. She knows now that Danzel was not the prick she believed him to be. He did have the attitude, but she believed he was different, especially when it came to his uncle.

However, no matter how sweet he acted towards her, she would never be able to truly allow him insider her heart. If she did, there could be a huge chance that she would regret it. Jaysa walked down one of the long halls and was in deep thoughts of how she felt towards Danzel and how to help her people. A loud screaming sound was heard along with a male voice. It broke Jaysa out of her thoughts. The man was yelling words out and Jaysa was unable to make them out, but knew from the tone, that he was not happy.

Could it be? Jaysa ran towards the voice. She was sprinting down the hallway towards the voice. They were getting louder by every step. The sound of a girl crying was heard. Jaysa turned the corner and was repelled by what she saw. It was one of the Kings' guards. He was straddling someone underneath him.

"Stop you brat!" The man yelled. He smacked the person under him making them shriek in pain. The sound came from the girl. Jaysa could hear anger in the man's voice as he beat the girl. Jaysa was furious. She ran towards the man and pushed him onto his side. The man was unaware to her presence that he actually fell down. "What the hell are you doing?" He yelled out. He turned to see Jaysa glaring at him. His eyes went wide for a second and then turned serious. He stood up and dusted his pants. As the guard stood up, the young girl made her way towards Jaysa. Jaysa grabbed the girls arm and pulled her behind her. The man smirked at the girl and up to Jaysa. He walked towards Jaysa and spoke. "What the hell are you doing woman?" Jaysa straightened her back and responded.

"Just who do you think you are calling woman? I'm your Queen and you will treat me as such." The man began to laugh. What was up with all these men not taking her seriously when she speaks to them?

"Why don't you go jump on the King's cock and pop out some babies like you're supposed to." He spoke rudely to her. Jaysa has heard that three times already and they all have been coming from rude men. She was fuming and her fists were clenched tightly. The man only smirked at Jaysa. He walked over to Jaysa and reached out for her face. He grabbed her chin between her thumb and index finger. Jaysa was unsure to what the man was planning on doing, but was not going to back down and show the man any fear. Jaysa watched the guard closely. His face leaned in towards her.

He's trying to intimidate me. She thought. I'm not going to run. Her eyes went wide with shock. He was kissing her. Horrified by what the man was doing. Her right fist hit the man as hard as she could. The man fell back a couple steps and raised his head. He felt liquid run down his face. He knew she had scratched him. The man just smirked. He was enjoying this? All these men are getting off on torturing women and love it even more when they fight back. These men have gotten away with too much already and it's time to stop it. Jaysa took a deep breath and said in a stern voice. "I never want you or any other guards touching, or forcing a woman into having sex with them. If I see this again, I will not hesitate to rip off your balls off your body. Do you understand me?" Jaysa stared at the man waiting for reply. The man kept the smirk on his face. So she continued. "I don't care if you were able to get away with this before, but no longer. Now I demand you to go back to your post until you are wanted." The man gritted his teeth showing his white fangs.

"Who do you think you are giving me orders? I told you before. Only reason you're here is to help the King make heirs for the throne." The man stopped and chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if he killed you after he was done." The man began to laugh hysterically. "I'm mean, looking at it closer; you're not much to look at. I can't see why he picked you. I don't see how he could even bed you." The man continued to laugh. "Wait, does he put a cloth over your face so he doesn't have to look at your ugly mug, or does he do you from behind with your face smashed into the bed?" The man was bending over in laughter. Jaysa did not find this to be funny at all. Anger filled her entire body. All of these men treated her as if she was a mere slave. They will not listen to her. Nothing has changed since she had become Queen. She was still treated like scum. Jaysa turned on her heels taking the girl with her. She will talk to him and get this taken care of. As the girls left, they could still hear the man laughing and making crude sexual jokes. He was doing nothing but pissing her off even more.