Chapter 53

Jaysa was able to make it back to the bedroom. She patted herself on the back mentally for paying attention to the surroundings. Jaysa walked into the room, the young girl followed close behind. Jaysa spun around to face the young girl and looked at her properly. She looked like a young teenager no older than 13. She had blonde hair that was mixed with dirt and stopped at her mid back. She wore material that looked like a maid outfit. She could tell that it was resewn several times. There were tear marks that she assumed it was made by the man that attacked her. "Wait right here. I'm going to find something you can wear that would look more appropriate." Jaysa walked over to the closet and found a dress. It was a plain blue color. There were no extra designs or jewelry attached to it. She returned to the teenager and showed her the dress. The sleeves would be a bit long but since the dress was not long, Jaysa believed it would stop below her ankles. "This looks about right. But before we change clothes, it would be best to have a nice bath. "The young teen looked up at Jaysa not knowing what to say. Jaysa was not offended in any way. She just smiled at the young girl as she grabbed her hand and led her to the bathing chambers.

Jaysa walked over to the bathing chambers and spotted a guard walking by. She ignored him as she held the girl's hand and headed towards their destination. She reached the door and began to open.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jaysa silently cursed herself. She turned to find the man staring down at her. He was dressed differently than the normal guards. He wore an outfit close to what Danzel wore. He had a grayish green jacket on with gray shirt that was tucked into his black pants and green knee high boots. She really didn't care if he was dressed differently. He was still a guard.

"I'm going to take a bath." Jaysa spoke. He lifted an eyebrow and looked at the young girl.

"And her?" He questioned in a gruff voice. Jaysa pulled the girl close to her.

"She's going to bathe with me." Jaysa spoke. The man stared at her. He looked down at the girl and back of Jaysa. He straightened up and spoke.

"Do you need a maid to bring some soap?" Jaysa was confused. Did he just really ask to help? Jaysa was wary of the man, but still spoke.

"If you can please." Jaysa said in a soft tone.

"Okay my lady," the man spoke as he bowed. He looked up into Jaysa's eyes and spoke. "I will get that for you, my lady." The man said and walked off. Jaysa was completely boggled at the man's actions. She doubted that the man would actually get her the items she needed. Jaysa turned back to the young team and pushed the doors open revealing the large bathing room that she had yet to get used to. The young girl followed Jaysa into the bathing chambers. Again, Jaysa spun around and look at the young teen.

"Go ahead and take off those clothes and get into the bath." Jaysa spoke.

"But Miss," the girl spoke.

"Don't but me," Jaysa spoke kindly. "We need to get you cleaned up." The young girl stayed quiet for a few moments before nodding. Jaysa helped the girl out of her clothes and walked her over to the baths. That's when Jaysa notice welts on the back of the young girl's body. She couldn't imagine what this girl had gone through. The teen sat down in the water. The way the girl's body relaxed, Jaysa knew she was enjoying herself. Jaysa smiled. She suddenly jumped when she heard a loud knock come from behind her. The teen girl swirled around to face the doors and so did Jaysa. Jaysa walked over to the door and open one of them. She took a peek outside and saw a young maid holding a familiar basket for bathing. Wow he actually helped her. She thought.