Chapter 63

"I beg you, please forgive me." The man pleas were heard outside the door into the hallways.

Once they could no longer hear the man's pleas, Danzel looked at his uncle. Martin stood tall to his nephew, but made sure not to offend him. Martin clamped his hands together and spoke.

"Well, what a day. I will also make my leave." He spoke as he bowed and removed himself from the room. Danzel did not say a word as his uncle did that. Danzel sighed once the man was gone. So much had happened. He looked over to Jaysa. He opened his mouth ready to speak when he heard a man clears throat. Danzel turned towards the noise and saw Joseph. He totally forgot about the priest.

"Joseph. I'm sorry about what just happened." Danzel apologized.

"It's no problem. At least it didn't turn out bad." The priest spoke back.

"What do you mean by bad?" Jaysa questioned. Danzel looked at his wife.

"Don't worry about it." Danzel spoke.

"Why not? Was that man going to do something bad?" Jaysa asked.

"I said don't worry about it." Danzel spoke again.

"And I said, tell me!" Jaysa began to yell.

"My dear," Joseph spoke making the couple look at him. "We just thought the man would try to harm the King for knowing the truth that is all." Joseph walked up to Jaysa and smiled. "My dear, were you worried about his Majesty?" Danzel's ears perked up wanting to know the answer. Jaysa's eyes darted between Danzel's and Joseph's a couple times before finally landing on Joseph's.

"No, I was not worried." She spoke. "He's a man. He doesn't need any help from the weak woman." Jaysa gave a small curtsy to Joseph before walking out of the room. Danzel couldn't help but feel hurt.

"She's a fighter." Joseph spoke. Danzel looked at him with confusion. "She is hiding something. It looks like her feelings. She wants to show she's strong, but in fact she feels helpless and lonely." Joseph turned to Danzel. "She reminds me of you."

"What! How?" Danzel asked.

"If I tell you, you would not understand." He looked back at the doors that Jaysa left earlier. "I don't understand why you chose her, but it seems like it was fate." Joseph turned to look at Danzel again. "You may not know it now, but, you two are destined for each other."

"Do you really think so?" Danzel looked at the doors. He didn't see Joseph nodded his head.

Jaysa stormed the halls. She didn't know why but every time she saw that man, anger would grow inside her. Jaysa slowed down her pace and soon came to a complete stop. Her legs crisscrossed as they led her towards the wall, which she used to lean on. There was a bit of pain coming from or abdomen. Reaching down, she used her hand to cover over the lower part of her stomach. She was with that man. He was inside her. Jaysa arched her neck back as she stared up at the ceiling. Now that she was with him, does that mean he'll ask to do it again? She didn't know what she will would do if he wanted to do it again with her. However, she knew since he was a male, he would ask for it. Jaysa pushed herself off of the wall and headed towards the library.

Entering the huge room, Jaysa glanced around. Walking past several shelves, she noticed some books were pulled out of their spots. Walking over to the rectangular table were the missing books. Jaysa passed the table in search for the culprit. She could hear some giggling coming from above. So Jaysa walked up the stairs to the second level. She turned to the right and found Madison. She was propped up against the bookshelves and was reading a book. Jaysa walked over to the girl and squat down.

"So what are you reading?" Jaysa questioned. Madison lifted up her head. Joy spread across her face. It had been several days since she had seen Jaysa. The young Queen smiled back and the girl and pointed down at the book. Madison looked down and the book and back up at Jaysa.

"It's a story about a girl going on and adventure." She spoke with joy. Jaysa sat next to the girl and giggled. She looked up at the other books and was amazed. Many books in here were about their history. She had even run across some in another language. What astonished her was the fact that there are so many romance novels also mixed in. It didn't bother her; it was actually quite nice.

"Madison," Jaysa spoke out. Madison made a noise let her know she was listening. "Where did you sleep while I was in the cell?" Madison looked up at Jaysa and spoke.

"His Majesty put me up in a room." She spoke. "He said I was on lockdown until they found whether or not you're guilty or what to do with you. He was nice though. He still brought me food. So I guess it wasn't that bad." Jaysa smiled on the inside. He knew that she cared for Madison so he allowed her to stay in the castle, and a room of all things. Jaysa has been having mixed feelings when it comes to Danzel. She doesn't know if she could trust him or not. She still wanted to keep her heart closed when it came to that man. Her thoughts were broken when she heard a voice call out.

"Miss," a male voice was heard. "Are you in here?" Jaysa stood up from her spot as she leaned over the railing and spotted Joseph.

"I'll be right back." Jaysa spoke to Madison, who nodded in return. The young woman made her way down the stairs and over to the priest.

"What is it?" Jaysa questioned. She had no idea why the priest was requesting her.