Chapter 73

"I say a lot of stuff, but I would never lie about wanting you for my wife." Jaysa

was unsure of whether or not to believe him. Danzel stared into Jaysa's eyes. He

leaned in and kissed Jaysa on the lips. She had gotten used to this man kissing her

constantly. He turned her body towards him so he could get a better angle. He pushed

his tongue against her lips, which she opened her mouth allowing him in. He leaned

closer to her and positioned himself between her legs. He massaged her breast, with

both hands. Her nipples harden in the process. He pulled away from her and spoke.

"Get out of the water and spread your legs." Jaysa looked at him with worry on her face.

"I want to taste you." He spoke as he pointed between her legs. "Down there." Jaysa

went complete red. She felt her nether regions tingle when he said that. She nodded

and moved up out of the water and spread her legs. She was embarrassed. This was

the first time that she has done it with him in a place that people could easily come in

and out of. "Are you embarrassed?" Danzel smirked.

Jaysa couldn't help but turn crimson red. "Don't worry. You'll soon forget your

embarrassment," he spoke. He stood up so his lower half was still in the water. Danzel

grabbed her knees and spread her legs a little farther apart. He dipped his head

between her legs and Jaysa's eyes rolled back. This was the second time he had done

this to her and it was just as pleasurable as the first. She could feel her husband's

tongue play with her clitoris and he stuck two fingers inside her. "Does that feel good?"

He questioned her. He was awarded with a moan from his wife. So he continued. She

could feel her leg muscles cramp up so she knew that she was getting close to climax.

He continued his work until Jaysa yelled out.

"I'm cumming." Her back arched up and then landed back down on the floor.

Danzel pulled away from her legs licking his lips. He crawled on top of her and spoke.

"Did that feel good?" Jaysa nodded. "Now I want you to do me the favor." Jaysa

looked at him clueless of what he was talking about. He reached down and her eyes

followed his hand as he cupped his member. Her eyes went wide and looked back at

her husband.

"What do you want me to do?" She questioned.

"I want you to suck me." He spoke. She looked at him for a moment. He got out

of the water and stood on his knees still holding his hard cock. She stared it at it for a

moment. It still reminded her of a one eyed snake that was crying. He motioned her to

come over. She heisted for a while then slowly crawled over to him. He stood up and

advised her to get on her knees so it was directly in her face. She took his hard member

and felt it twitch under her touch. "Don't be afraid. Keep going." She looked up at her

husband that only grinned. She slowly stuck out her tongue out and licked the clear

liquid that was coming out. It didn't have a taste. She pulled back and looked at

husband. He urged her to continue by running his hands through her hair.. She stuck

her tongue out again and licked slit that brought shivers through her husband's body.

He looked down at her and spoke. "Take it into your mouth." Not saying word, Jaysa

slowly put the thick member in her mouth. Past memories flooded through her head and

she pulled the member out.

"I can't do it." She spoke.

"Why not?" Danzel asked. He was a bit disappointed that she had stopped before

she continued.

"I'm having flashback from before." She almost cried out.

"Jaysa." Danzel spoke as he kneed down and took her chin in his fingers making

her look at him. "I'm not those men. Remember that."


"Forget what happened. Remember that I'm your husband. I will never do

anything harmful to you." He spoke. "But if you could…" He pointed down. "Can you

continue? I'm in a bit of pain." Jaysa sat quiet for a moment and then nodded. Excited,

Danzel stood up with his aching member in his hand. "Please…" He spoke gently again.

Jaysa took his harden cock back in her small hands. She could feel her husband's

pulse. Jaysa took it again in her mouth slowly. "Now bob your head back and forth."

Jaysa slowly moved her head taking his member deeper in her mouth. She heard him

moan out from pleasure. "Take it in deeper." He spoke out. She tried to take the thick

meat deeper in her mouth. The heat of Jaysa's mouth surrounding Danzel's member felt

so good. Danzel slowly started to pull his cock out and pushed it back in. He did this a

few times and Jaysa didn't mind it. He kept thrusting a bit faster and deeper in her throat

that it activated her gag reflexes making her pull out the member and began to cough.

"Are you okay?" Danzel asked his wife in concern.