Chapter 72

It had been a couple of weeks since the last argument. Danzel had been

sleeping in his chamber by himself every night. He hated it because he was unable to

see Jaysa's sleeping face or her panting one. She had kept her word though. For every

meal, she would come in to eat, but would always bring Madison with her. He thought

that she was just bringing her during meal time, but every time he had tried to speak to

her alone, she was never alone. He could never confront her for doing wrong, because

she had respected him whenever they were in public. Even though she was not with

him every night, he still appreciated her. She was starting to fall into the role of bring

Queen. Danzel could even tell that his uncle was not pleased with the improvement of

his wife, even if he did not say a word. Danzel enjoyed every day with Jaysa when she

spoke respectfully to him, but he missed the arguments they had. It wasn't just the

arguments, but what could come after that. He wanted to be with her sexually. His body

urged to be with her, touch her, feel her. He wanted her so bad. He allowed her to be

free for those past couple weeks and play Queen, but soon he would turn her back into

his lover.

"When are you going back to his highness's room?" Madison asked. She did not

mind the young Queen using her as an excuse so she didn't have to be with the King.

However, she also wanted her own time as well.

"I don't know." Jaysa spoke back. She liked the fact that Danzel was no longer

pushing her about having his kids. She couldn't help but admit that she did kind of miss

being with him. He spoke to her romantically, but then he would call her horrific names

which broke the mood. It could actually be the fact that he was raised by his uncle and

that was the reason he acted the way he does.

"You know what you need." Madison spoke.

"What?" Jaysa questioned.

"You need to go relax in the bath tub alone." She spoke out. "I think you need it."

That was how Jaysa had ended up in the bathing chambers by herself. She

couldn't remember what had happed or how she gotten there, but she was here now so

she decided to make the most out of it. Removing her clothes and she slipped into the

warm water loving the feeling. Being alone was nice. Jaysa relaxed her shoulders and

her muscles. Jaysa was far in space that she didn't hear the door open or close.

"So how's the water?" A familiar voice spoke out. Jaysa jumped from the sound

when she heard someone speak out. Jaysa turned around to see the intruder. She saw

her husband standing behind her. He was still fully clothed and she hoped he stayed

that way.

"What are you doing in here?" She questioned almost with a growl.

"Whoa!" He spoke with hands up in the air. "I just came in to take a bath. I didn't

realize that you were in here as well." He spoke. It was actually a lie. He had one of his

guards secretly follow her around, so when she was finally alone, he could speak to her.

"Well, as you can tell it's occupied." She spoke as she turned around with her

back facing him.

"That doesn't bother me any." He spoke. She could hear the sounds of clothes

rustle around as he removed them from her body. He walked over to the water and

stepped in. He looked at his wife who covered her face from his naked body. "Why

cover up? You have already seen me naked before."

"Just shut up and sit down!" She yelled from embarrassment. Danzel just

smirked. It was silent for a while until Danzel spoke up.

"Are you getting used to being Queen?" He asked.

"Little by little." Jaysa spoke.

"That's good." Danzel spoke back. It fell silent again. It was getting a bit

awkward. Neither one knew what to say, but both had questions circling their minds that

they wanted to ask. Jaysa finally spoke out.

"I've been thinking. Why did you pick me?" Danzel looked at Jaysa who was still

facing the other way. "I mean, you could have anyone, so why me?" She turned to look

at Danzel. A smirk was on his face.

"Entertainment," he replied. She scowled at him.

"If you wanted entertainment then you would've married a joker." She spoke.

"What's the real reason?"

"You want the true reason?" He mocked her.

"Yes." She replied.

"Can you handle it?" Danzel loved to play around with her.

"Yes, now tell me damn it!" She yelled. Danzel turned to face Jaysa and spoke in

a deep serious voice.

"Because you were the one." He spoke.

"What the hell do you mean by I'm the one?" She believed he was still messing

with her until he spoke out.

"I met a girl when I was younger in a storage shack." Jaysa eyes began to grow

wider by ever word. "She told me that I could be myself. She even smacked me a few

times." Jaysa's jaw began to fall. Danzel just smirked as he continued. "Don't worry. I

got her back…" He stopped to grin. "…with a kiss." Jaysa turned bright red and jumped

up with anger and embarrassment.

"That was you." Danzel nodded causally. He was getting full view of his wife

naked body with water dripping off of her skin. "That was you!" She spoke a bit louder.

"Yes, Jaysa, that was me." He spoke. The young Queen didn't know what to say.

Her fists were in a tight ball as she glared at the man.

"This doesn't explain why you chose me!" She yelled again. He grinned at her.

"You thought I picked you for entertainment?" He started to laugh.

"It's not funny!" She yelled.

"It kind of is." He laughed out before settling down. "After the girl left and I was

taken back to the castle. I made a promise to make her my wife." He spoke. Jaysa sat

back down in the water. Her knees were pulled up to her chin.

"Are you for real or are you just yanking my chain?" Danzel smirked and scooted

over to Jaysa. He pulled her chin up to make her look at him.