Chapter 80

"Well, we want to get more people, but before we can do that, we need more

room." Joseph spoke.

"Ooo." Jaysa said. "Sound interesting." She clapped her hands together and

spoke. "Well, you boy's sound busy. I guess I'll just let you be." She turned to make her

exit. Danzel's eyes watch her exit the room.

"She's really got you. Didn't she?" Joseph spoke. The young King did not

answer. "Come let's look at what the houses need to be removed." Danzel nodded and

turned back towards the map on the table.

Jaysa was walking around the town market with Madison by her side the next

afternoon. Madison had begged Jaysa and tried to make her feel guilty for not taking

her the last time the young Queen came into town. The young teen loved all the

beautiful material that Jaysa brought back and wanted to eat the food that Jaysa told

Madison she had eaten. Living in the castle her whole life, she never was able to see

what the town looked like. Jaysa couldn't help but smile to the joy that Madison was

having. Everyone passed the young Queen, bowed their heads in respect and

proceeded their way. Jaysa appreciated that. The villagers showed respect as they

passed by. Many of the villagers gave Jaysa free food or material which Jaysa could not

take without paying something. Everyone knew that she used to be a peasant, so they

all believe that they had to help on the inside. Once she became Queen, many thought

she would not help the King change his mind when it came to the slavery. Even when

Jaysa spoke that the King was the one that changed the laws. They all believed that it

was her influence. Which it was, but she could never tell them that.

Jaysa was laughing with some girls her age that were asking what it was like to

live in the castle, and what the King's attitude was like. While having a blast talking to

the girls, Jaysa suddenly heard a female cry out and then their voice was muffled. She

struggled to hear where the noises were coming from. "What's wrong?" One of the

blonde girls asked.

"There's someone-." she spoke as she turned and ran towards the voice. Jaysa

knew she was getting closer to the sounds of the muffles as it got louder. She turned

into a small alley and was mortified. One of the King's guards was thrusting roughly

inside a young woman. He had his hand over her mouth trying to muffle her cries. Jaysa

ran over to the man and grabbed him by his jet black hair which made him scream in


"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled at the man.

"Get the fuck off me!" He yelled as he pushed Jaysa hard against the wall making

her slide down. Her head was light and her eyes were a bit fuzzy. He began to thrust

again into the woman. Jaysa tried to shake off the attack. So she tried her best to get

back on her feet. Blood oozed down her head. So she knew right away that she was

bleeding. However, right now, she did not care. She forced herself up on to her feet and

over to the man.

"I said get off of her!" She yelled. She pulled the man's hair so hard that she felt

strands rip from his head.

"You fucking bitch!" The man yelled. He pulled out of the woman he was raping

and turned his anger towards Jaysa. "You will regret that." The man back handed

Jaysa. He grabbed her clothes and ripped them as hard as he could, but the fabric was

tough. "What the…" He spoke out. Jaysa smirked. "What the fuck are out smirking

about?" The man yelled.

"You dare to smack the King's wife. Or dare to threaten her?" Jaysa spoke.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" The man questioned confused.

"My husband will not be pleased when he hears that one of his guards had

touched his woman." The man began to laugh unsure if what she was saying was the


"You, the Queen? I don't think so. If you were his highness's woman. You would

not be here." He spoke out. "If anyone would be getting into any trouble, it would be you

for falsely identifying yourself as the Kings woman." The man laughed off.

"You think? I can get my husband down here so he could check for himself.

Would you like me to do that?" The man's laughter slowed down. He wasn't sure to

believe her or if it's a bluff. Her eyes showed that this was no bluff.

"I…a…" The man began to stutter.

"Do you want me to get his highness involved?" She questioned him again. The

man stood still not answering her. She started to believe that he was never going to

answer. "Come my child." Jaysa spoke to the young woman that was watching what

was taking place to scared to move. "I'll take you to your family." The young girl laid still

on the ground. The man was no longer on top of her but she still hesitated. Jaysa's

voice was heard one more time, and the shock the girl was in had passed. She quickly

got up to her feet and made her way away from the man and towards Jaysa.

"Where do you think you are going?" The man yelled out once he snapped out of

the daze he was in.

"Don't touch her! I will let you know that you will be reported to his majesty." She

spoke. The man threw into a fit of rage and grabbed Jaysa by her neck and shoved her

against the wall. He began to squeeze her throat blocking air into her lungs.

"I will not be talked down by some slutty trash like you." Jaysa reached for the

man's hands on her neck and began to scratch the man's hand and made the man

bleed. The girl behind the man began to scream. "Shut up!" The man yelled. The

woman did not follow his order and kept screaming. "I said to shut the fuck up!" He let

go of Jaysa's neck and made her fall to her knees. The young Queen started to cough

as she tried her best to fill her lungs back up with air. The guard backhanded the young

girl which made her stop screaming. "I said-,"