Chapter 83

Danzel leaned up against the wall in the hallway. Jaysa slept silently, but he was still so confused. He really wanted to believe her, but he was unsure if he should. He needed to speak to someone about the issue.

"Your highness." A familiar voice called out. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your wife?" Danzel grinned. It was the perfect person he needed to speak to.

"So you're confused to whether or not you should believe your wife or not?"

"Yeah! Is there something wrong with me?" He questioned Joseph.

"No, its human nature to be confused, who do you think is lying?" Joseph asked.

"I don't know. I want to believe my wife, but I just…" Danzel didn't know what to say.

"Is there proof as to what either had said?" Joseph questioned. Danzel shook his head.

"They both have scares on them, so I do know something happened."

"My King, I would probably see if you can do a set up."

"What do you mean?" Danzel questioned.

"Have those two talk with each other and see if someone spills the beans." Joseph spoke.

"So eaves drop to see if one would confess their crimes?" Danzel asked. Joseph nodded. "That's perfect idea." Danzel spoke. "I'll get that set up tomorrow. I need my wife to rest right now." Danzel spoke. Joseph nodded.

Later that night, Danzel had already changed his clothes and walked over to his side of the bed. He crawled in and laid on his side with his head propped up by his arm. He looked at Jaysa's sleeping face. He watched her breast move up and down with every breath. He hoped that the plan would work. He could not stand anyone harming what was his. He tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I hope we will get this settled." He spoke as he kissed her cheek.

Jaysa was walking down the hallways. The bandages that were on her head have been removed. Her wound had clotted so it was no longer bleeding. Jaysa was heading towards the dungeon, a place that she had always despised. She hated the fact that she had to come down to that horrible place. Walking down the steps, the same muggy stench hit her again almost stopping her from talking in a clean breath. Jaysa was met by two men down at the bottom of the steps. She walked past them so they did not say a word to her. One of the guards was replaced since her husband killed the guard that attacked her from before. The men started to obey her and not talk back because of what her husband had done to the last guard. The men looked back in the stairway a bit confused and then stood straight not saying a word. The young Queen made her way towards the cell the guard was in. She stopped and stared at the man. He sat up against the wall and one of his legs were spread out I front of him, while the other was propped up. She enjoyed the fact that he had suffered humiliation by being thrown in the cell.

"What the fuck are you looking at bitch?" He spat. Jaysa smiled innocently.

"I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Bullshit!" The man yelled. "Are you here to say that I'm going to rot in here?"

"I never said that." Jaysa spoke.

"Because you know it's not true. No matter how many times you fuck the King, he would never believe a whore like you." He spat.

"So are you going to lie to his Majesty about what happened?" She asked. The man humped.

"If you think that one of these guards would believe anything you say. You're dead wrong. We will always stick with each other. Women are noting but sluts used for our pleasure.

"So are you going to admit that you raped that girl just to rape her? It had nothing to do with the girl being a thief. You're just an animal." Jaysa snapped. The man stood up and ran to the edge of the cell and grabbed the bars.

"So what if I raped her. That bitch had in coming. I should have done more." He stopped.

"Like what?" She questioned, her voice shaking a bit.

"Like show you what a true man is. I should have raped your pussy ass as well." He started thrusting his hips back and forth in a thrusting rhythm.

"That's enough." A man's voice yelled out. The guard went white when he saw who had spoken. Jaysa turned to look at her husband. He was glaring at the man in the cells.

"Your majesty. Why are you here?" He questioned. Danzel glared at the man not answering. "This woman… She came in and started to harass me and-,"

"Quiet!" Danzel yelled. "I said before, that's enough. I heard everything." Danzel spoke.

"But your highness," the man tried to speak out.

"Do you still wish to lie to your King? Do you know the punishment for lying to your King?"

"Your highness, please." The man began to beg.

"Are all the men around me liar's?" Danzel asked all the men in the room. He even looked over to the guards stationed at the bottom of the stairs. No one said a word. Danzel turned his gaze back towards the man and spoke. "Would you care to tell me the truth to what really happened?" Danzel questioned the man his voice deep and low. The man took a deep swallow and began to speak out what truly had happened. Jaysa listened to the man's words. He spoke as if what he did was a normal thing that he did every day. It almost made her sick to her stomach. When the man finished, Danzel turned on his heels and headed out of the dungeon. Jaysa notice her husband leave and soon followed close behind.

"Wait! Are you leaving me here?" The man yelled. He heard the doors shut, showing the King's answer.