Chapter 82

Earlier. Danzel was with Joseph in the strategy room. They were talking about what they could do with an expansion of the Kingdom. The two have been talking, but nothing had been set into plan as of yet. The two men looked down at the map on the desk.

"What about we take out these houses and expand it for our people to put up more business stands." Joseph spoke as he pointed to an area on the map. Danzel scratched his chin.

"I can see that. However, if we take this part over here and pull out the water we know that is underneath, it could become a good stream for water that our people need. I know that would be one good option."

"I can understan-,"

"Your Highness!" The door to the room was burst open. A young maid was on the other side. She was breathing heavily.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Danzel yelled at the woman that interrupted their discussion.

"I'm.... I'm sorry your majesty." The young woman spoke as she tried to catch her breath. "The young miss. She...She has been hurt." Danzel's face went pale.

"What did you say?" The words slowly spilling out of his mouth. "Is she okay?" He wanted to know. He walked up to the maid. "Is she okay!?" He questioned louder.

"Yes. She's fine, but a guard was brought in as a criminal. He is requesting to see you." She spoke.

"I don't care about the man. I want to see my wife. Take me to my wife!" Danzel demanded.

"She is being treated right now." The young woman spoke. She wanted to stop the young King from freaking out, thinking his wife was worse off than she actually was. "The guard. He really wants to speak with you. Once you talk with him, I'm sure the doctor that is looking after the young Queen would be done treating her. So, please."

"Your Majesty." Danzel looked over at Joseph. "Go see your guard."


"Did you not hear the young maid. She said that the young miss is okay and being treated. So go see the guard and fine out what is going on." Danzel looked down at the floor. He wanted to see his wife. However, if he went to see her while she was being treated, he may just get in the way.

"Damn it!" He cursed. He looked up at the maid. "Fine. Where is the man right now?"

"He is waiting to see you in the throne room."

"Fine. I will head that way now." The young maid bowed, and left. Danzel following after her.

Danzel made his way to the throne room. He opened the doors and was welcomed with three guards. Two held the third one with ropes. Danzel passed the three men and made his way to the royal chair.

"Why do you request my presence?" He questioned as he sat down on his throne.

"Sire, your wife is mad." The jet black haired man spoke out as if he was frightened.

"What do you mean?" Danzel asked.

"I'm saying that your wife attacked me while I was trying to make an arrest against a thief. I don't know if she attacked me because it was a female I was trying to arrest or is she just wanted to attack me?"

"My wife is not insane. There has to be a reason why she would attack you." Danzel spoke. He glanced down at the man's hand and could clearly see claw marks on them. He knew that something happened.

"My Majesty. Not to be rude, but didn't you just marry her not to long ago?"

"What does that have anything to do with this?" He spat.

"I'm just saying. If you haven't known her for very long, how would you know she is who she says she truly is?" The guard questioned. "We can't believe these types of women. In fact, we can't believe any women. They all lie and use their bodies to get what they want. You need to trust what I'm saying because I speak the truth."

"I don't know." Danzel spoke.

"Your highness." The guard started.

"I will figure it out. For now, you will need to go into a cell until the case has been solved." The two guards walked the man out of the room. However, the man did not leave quietly.

"You can't do this to me! You can't!" Danzel ignored the man.

Once it was quiet in the room. So many things had gone through his head. There have been so many men that attacked his wife and even lied to him about his wife. So he could easily take his wife's side on this, but what caught his attention was what the man said.

"They will use their bodies to get what they want." Jaysa had done that to get him to help her people. She tried to scare him with the fact of withholding sex from him, but was that something that she would always use against him to get her way. He was completely confused of what to do. He needed to see his wife and find out what exactly happened.