Chapter 88

Jaysa's eyes stayed on the hand that held the object and watched as he cut the rest of his night gown. The only place that was left in tacked was the sleeves on her now destroyed night gown. He was able to part the material both ways so she was almost completely naked except for her underpants. Danzel set the knife back down on the table. He looked back at his wife that was now glaring at her husband. He just smirked. He reached for her underpants and slowly pulled them down. Jaysa started to kick her legs hoping that it would stop him. However, it did the complete opposite.

Danzel threw the pants on the floor somewhere. She now laid naked under him. She squeezed her legs shut not allowing him to peak at her. "Open up for me." He gently spoke. She still denied him access. SO he brought his fingers being her feet that left a gap. He gently touched the lips feeling the liquid already soaking the sheets. "You said you were not interested, seems to me that you are excited now." She was completely embarrassed and did not say a word. She felt his fingers touch the outside of her lips but he never pushed his fingers inside. She felt her nether region tingle as if it was begging him to touch her on the inside. "Do you want me to touch you?" He asked. How could she tell him?

Yes! Eat me now! Fuck me hard! Mess me up! How she wanted to yell those words out, but this was a punishment. No, this was no longer his punishment. It was now hers. It was because she had denied him sex. He continued to rub his fingers up and down her closed lips. She wanted it. She wanted it so bad. "Please," she quietly begged. She slowly slid her legs open. "Please touch me." Danzel smirked. He widened her legs and begat to rub the inside of her lips and over her clit. She jerked when she felt his fingers rub against it.

"Do you want me to use my tongue?" He asked. She just nodded. He smirked. She watched as he went down and she felt so much pleasure. She could hear the noise that was coming from below. He was thrusting his fingers inside her as he ate her out. She was ready to cum. Her muscles tightened and she felt her felt her climax wash over her. She could never get enough of him going down on her. "I want to try a new potion."

"And what is that?" Jaysa asked. He just smirked without saying a word. He reached up and untied her hands from the bed post. Once she was untied, he forced Jaysa onto her stomach. Jaysa protested at the sudden movement. He grabbed her right hand and tied it back to the post. Jaysa protested what her husband was doing but he ignored her. He just looked at his handy work. She now laid on her stomach with her ass facing him and her head was facing the pillow.

"What kind of position is this?" She yelled.

"Don't worry. You will enjoy it." Danzel spoke. He held out his hard member in his hand and began to rub it against Jaysa's sensitive area. His hard cock was getting soaked by the liquid that was oozing out. He thrust his hips a bit and pushed his hard on past her lips and inside her body. The position she was in had a completely different feeling then the positions they used before. She moved with her husband's thrusts meeting him half way. "That's it." He grunted. He continued pounding into the smaller body. Jaysa again felt her orgasm coming. She tried her best to not allow the pleasure to end. "Oh God. I'm about to cum." Danzel spoke out as his thrust were faster and deeper than the last. The couple cried out in complete pleasure as their orgasms rushed over them both. Jaysa could feel her husband's hot semen rush into her body. Danzel fell onto his back next to Jaysa taking in several breathes along with his wife. Jaysa's bottom was still stuck in the air and some of the semen slid down her legs. The young Queen was not paying attention to her husband's moments until he felt hands on her bottom. "I never noticed what a cute ass you have." Danzel got on his knees and crawled over behind her.

"Wh…what are you doing?" Jaysa questioned as she felt him play with her cheeks. "What are you touching?" She asked again.

"I always wanted to try this." Danzel spoke. He took his harden member in his and spread her cheeks apart. He pushed against her virgin anal hole.

"No, don't" Jaysa cried out. "Don't do it there." Danzel ignored her protest and pushed inside. "No!" She cried out.

Jaysa looked up at the ceiling of the bed. It was almost completely dark except for the one candle that was lit by Danzel's side of the bed. She moved her hands which she now started at in front of her. She looked down at her gown that was completely in tacked. Jaysa looked over at her husband who slept peacefully away. She looked back at her hands and pulled up her sleeves to see any marks on her wrists, which she found none. Her head fell into her palms.

It was all a dream. She thought. She actually had a sex dream, and not just any sex dream, a dream of what she would never do in reality. She moved her legs when she turned to her side and realized how yet she was because of it. Danzel would mock her if he found out about this. She slowly slipped out of the bed and over to the closet. She changed the underwear that was soaked between the legs into something else that was dry. Walking back over to the bed, she crawled under the covers and looked at her husband who was still sleeping. She could feel the tingle between her legs grow stronger. Did she really miss the sex as much as her husband did? Jaysa pushed away the thoughts and closed her eyes. She ignored the feeling growing between her legs as she forced herself to fall asleep. Jaysa was unaware that Danzel had awoken from her movement and just smirked.