Chapter 89

"Danzel," Jaysa spoke her husband's name. They sat at the table eating eggs, toasts, and ham. There were several pints of milk sitting on the table just in case someone wanted to refill their glass. Danzel put his own glass down and spoke.

"Yes?" They were the only two that were in the dining room. Neither knew where Martin was, and Madison had already eaten earlier to continue her sewing.

"What is all of this big news that you have to tell me?" Danzel wiped his mouth and set down the napkin.

"At noon today, I have another announcement." He spoke.

"What type of announcement?" She questioned.

"It's about the women's rights of course." He saw Jaysa's eyes light up. "…And about the people's opinions and their worry's." He spoke.

"What do you mean?" She didn't quite understand what her husband was talking about.

"You'll find out soon enough." He stood up and walked over to his wife. "And once that is finished, I'm going to fuck you so much that you'll forget that my dick is out of that wonderful pussy of yours because you would still feel the thickness." He kissed her cheek and walked off. The tingling feeling came back. She didn't want to say it, but deep down inside, she wanted to forget that ban and allow him to jump her here and now. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She couldn't think about that right now. She needed to know more about what her husband was planning on doing for the Kingdom. She ate her food and began her day.

Noon seemed to take forever to come. Jaysa had eagerly waited for the time her husband walked out onto the balcony and spoke in front of his people. He sounded just as graceful and caring as he did before. She couldn't help but keep her eyes on his body, the body that would soon hold her.

"Ahhh…" Jaysa yelled inside her head. Why do all these thoughts haunt me so? She questioned herself.

"There have been many changes that were made after the passing of my father."

"Will his soul rest in peace." Danzel heard the villagers underneath him speak out.

"These laws that were changed have affected many of my people's lives. There had been so many violent acts that have taken place that I was not aware of. However, these acts were brought to my attention. I need to change how my people are treated and I know right now, that many are not treated right. The first thing that we are going to talk about is a law against sexual abuse towards another person. I don't care if it be male or female. No matter if you are of age or not. I will not allow this violence to continue. So..." Danzel reached out one of his hands to Joseph who handed him a document. He opened it and began to read the contents. "No matter what sex you are. No matter what age you are. No matter what authority that you have. If another person be it man or woman forces any type of sexual acts onto another, they will be punished. The punishment will be based on the crime that had taken place. So the harsher the crime, the harsher the punishment. If someone tells someone in authority about the violent acts that had taken place. It will be investigated. The person that is being accused of these acts will be taken to the dungeon cell where they will stay until further notice." Danzel handed the document over to Joseph. "I want my Kingdom to be as cheerful and outgoing as it was when my father was alive."

"May his soul rest in peace."

"I will sign this document. Once signed. This is go into effect immediately." Danzel turned towards Joseph who had handed him an ink pen. Joseph held the document open as Danzel signed it. "There is another law that I will be going over as well." Danzel turned back to his people. Joseph brought out a second document and handed it to Danzel. Danzel read it out loud. "Another issue I have heard about is about our women of this Kingdom. The law that was put into effect for the last several years I am removing. The law that I am talking about is the equality of both men and women. Women's rights were removed when this law was put into place. So I am removing what should have never been put in place in the beginning. With this law. All villagers' men and woman are equal when it comes to rights. You are not allowed to demean or disgrace a woman or refuse her of any service. If she calls for help, authorities will help out any women without complaint."

Danzel handed the document over to Joseph who exchanged it with the same ink pen. Danzel signed the document and turned to his people. "This law, like the last will take effect immediately. Jaysa stood quietly to the side watching as her husband signed both documents. She was overjoyed that her husband had actually listened to her and helped her people. The sounds of cheering were heard. Danzel watched as his people began to hug each other in joy. He could feel the excitement from where he stood. He knew that not only this would make his wife happy, but this will help make his Kingdom stronger again like it was in the past. Danzel raised his hands up, and the cheering began to quiet down. "I two more things that I want to talk about with my people. The first is..." He took in a breath before continuing. "I have heard some of my people are questioning about the way they live. Whether they can make their lives better."