Chapter 120

She sat the basket down next to her and she kneeled down. She didn't care about the dress getting a bit dirty. The man stared at her, his eyes wide with caution. Jaysa tried to look at the man, but his hair was falling in his face. She slowly moved her hand towards the man's face. He quickly moved his head making Jaysa jerk her hand away from the man. "Don't worry; I'm not going to hurt you." She again reached over to the man's face again. Jaysa slowly moved the hair out of the man's face and tucking it behind his ear. "See, now I can see you." She spoke gently. His green eyes looked at her brown one. The man looked a lot older then her with the long hair and beard. Jaysa removed her hand from the man's face and reached over to the basket of food. She pulled out the bread. "This is fresh bread that the maids had made, and it's really soft. It almost melts in our mouth." Jaysa showed the man.

She saw his eyes bounce between the bread and her. She couldn't help but giggle. "Do you want some?" She brought the bread closer to the man's face. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and bit a hunk of the bread. The action scared Jaysa; she almost dropped the bread on the floor when she let it go. Somehow she was able to catch it. When she looked back up at the man, she saw how he greedily ate the food. Once it was swallowed. He opened his mouth as if asking for more. Jaysa smiled. She gladly gave the man more food. Once the bread was gone, she brought out the sheep meat. It was already cut up in small stripes so she could easily give it to him as well. While the man ate, Jaysa couldn't help but keep a huge smile on her face. The man loved the food that was being fed to him. She gave him some water to wash down the food.

Once she was done, Jaysa placed the basket on the floor since it was empty. She watched the man has he licked his lips of any crumbs that may be still lingering.

"Was that good?" Jaysa asked the man. Her elbows were sitting on her knees and her head was resting in the palms of her hands. The man nodded. Jaysa just smiled. "I'm glad."

"Th…k….y….o" A mumble came from the man. Jaysa's eyes went wide for a moment. She had to make sure that he said something.

"Did you say something? I couldn't quite hear that." Jaysa's features went soft as she spoke to the man. She wasn't sure, but she believed that she saw redness flash over the man's face. It could have been embarrassment. She only giggled a bit to herself. "It's fine if you don't want to say anything. You ate and that was at least a good step forward." Jaysa stood up taking the basket with her. She heard the sound of the chains making her turn around to look at the man. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "Don't force yourself. I will be back again tomorrow." Jaysa spoke to the man before walking out of the cell. "I will also make sure that the guards are talking care of you as well." Jaysa locked the cell door. She gave one more glance at the man before leaving.

Jaysa made her way to the top of the staircase. Leaning against the wall, she took in a breath. The man didn't seem as wild as what the guards were saying. The man almost had a gentle side to him. Also, when the man turned red, it was kind of cute. Jaysa couldn't help but let out a smile. Pushing against the wall, she started her walk towards the maid's kitchen so she could give the basket back to them.

Jaysa had been bringing food to the man in the cell. This was actually the last day that she had before the LT would take over. Jaysa walked over to the usual cell opening it and walking in. The man looked up at Jaysa as she stepped in. She gave the man a smile. He nodded. She walked over to the man. He noticed that she had an extra basket with her. She noticed his gaze.

"Oh this. I thought it would be nice to try to cut the hair of yours." She spoke as she brought out a pair of scissors. "Do you know what these are?" She asked the man. He nodded. Even though he has yet to speak a word since last time she believed he spoke before, he would nod or shake his head to her questions. "Let me cut your hair first. That way you won't be eating your hair like you did yesterday." Jaysa walked over to the man. "I've only cut women's hair. This will be the first on a man." She laughed a bit. The man didn't say anything. He just looked down at the floor. Jaysa brought her fingers to the man's long black mane. It was a bit dry, and she would've expected that, since his hair was long and knotted.

Snip. The sound of the scissors cutting off the hair echoed in the otherwise silent room. Pieces of hair had fallen to the ground. Jaysa was unsure how much to cut, so she cut a little but above his eyes. As Jaysa saw the green eyes staring straight into hers, she stopped. The man's eyes were drawing her in. She had to force her eyes away from the man's. Even though he did not speak, his eyes were like emeralds that drew her in. She had to be careful. She began cutting again. She snipped the side of his hair just below his ear. The back she cut just above his nape. She really doesn't know how to cut men's hair. Her mother, and Madison's hair has been the only ones she had cut so far. So it felt strange cutting the man's hair.

Jaysa stood up after she wiped the hair that was left on the man's shoulders. She took a look at her masterpiece. Well, she wasn't sure if it really was a masterpiece, but she knew that he looked a lot better then what he did before. The beard had to go as well. Leaning over by the man, she started cutting the beard. She got as close as she could to his face without cutting him. The hard part was shaving the rest of the beard. She had watched Danzel shave several times, and believes that she understood the basics. Pulling out some white liquid, she poured it in her hands. Working the liquid on the man's face, she was surprised that he let her do this without freaking out.