Chapter 121

She brought out a small knife that was used for shaving. Very slowly, she began to scrape against the skin making sure that she was not cutting the man. Wiping of the liquid into a small cloth, she continued what she was doing. Jaysa couldn't help noticing the intense eyes that watch her as she did this. Several minutes passed and the man now had a smooth face. He looked a lot younger than what she thought he was. He may even be around her age. Jaysa wiped what was left of the white liquid that was on the man's face off. The man's eyes just stared at her. She tried her best by not looking at him, because she knew that if she did, she would be trapped.

"There you go all done." Jaysa moved her eyes away from the man.

"Thank you." She heard a deep voice slowly speak out to her. Jaysa turned to look at the man. "Thank you for what you have done." Jaysa's eyes almost went wide with confusion.

"Wait! You do understand me and speak our language." The man could hear the shock in her voice.

"Yes." He almost chuckled.

"Wha…why… Why have you not spoken before?" Jaysa asked. "Those guys want to torture you. If you could speak, why not speak when you first saw the guards?" Jaysa was full of questions.

"I have my reasons." The man said. Jaysa stood up and put her hands on her hips.

"And what are these reasons that you speak of." Her voice was spoken in a serious and stern voice.

"I already told you, I have my reasons."

"Well, that is not good enough!" She didn't advert her eyes from the man's face. He just sighed.

"Wha…wha…What are you sighing for!" Jaysa asked irritation in her voice.

"Let's not talk about that. How about feeding me? I know that you have food there in that basket. I'm starving." He shifted his eyes towards the basket. She followed his gaze to the basket as well.

"No!" She finally spoke out. "Not until you tell me about yourself." The man looked at Jaysa and started to chuckle. "What is so funny?" Jaysa asked getting angrier by the second.

"You are one fun woman!" The man bust out in laughter. This man reminded her of someone. An image of her husband popped up in her head.

"I am not just "woman" I am the Queen of this castle. And you will call me as such!" Jaysa didn't want to be made fun of because she was a woman. She got enough of that from her husband. His laughter suddenly stopped.

"Queen?" The man asked. He didn't sound very convinced. "Why would the Queen come down and take care of someone she knew nothing about?" Jaysa cocked her head, her hands still on her waist.

"Because I was not born into royalty, I was actually a peasant." The man looked at her with a serious expression.

"You're saying that the King chose a peasant as his wife?"

"What! You got a problem with that." The man just stared at her a bit longer. He didn't answer, so she finished answering his question. "Because I was born peasant, I don't see things the same way as royal's do. When I see an innocent man being locked up and know that they use a torture method to get information. Of course I'm going to butt in. I want to make sure that you are treated with proper care."

"And what does his highness think about that?" The man finally answered. She smirked at the man.

"He likes it."

"I'm sure he does." The man chuckled a bit.

"Okay." Jaysa started. "I'm being dead serious here. Now I don't care if you don't want to tell us everything, but I need you to answer some simple questions."

"So you're going to interrogate me?" The man looked up at Jaysa cocking his head to the side. "What happened to "I help those that are innocent"?" Jaysa could hear the mocking in his voice.

"Either you answer my questions and get the food I brought with me, or I can let the Lieutenant come over here and do what he does to get some answers. Which do you prefer?"

"I would love to be questioned by such a beauty like yours." The man seductively said. Jaysa couldn't help but roll her eyes. The man laughed. "I guess that doesn't work on you."

"Try again." Jaysa responded.

"Then I guess I will have to try harder." Jaysa clunked her tongue. She was unsure where this man was going. Still, she needed to get those questions that Mr. Franken wanted to know before the day was over.

"Okay, so does that mean you will answer my questions?" She asked wanting a serious answer.

"Ask me anything you want."