Chapter 129

"What I want to know is, when are you going to leave and head back on your journey that you love so much?" Danzel questioned. His voice not hiding the annoyance of the man that sat across from him. Levi picked up his glass of wine and took a small sip. Jaysa ate the bread that was laid on her plate. They were sitting at the dining eating. Jaysa glanced over to her husband giving him a look of watch your attitude, which Danzel ignored.

"Well. I want to make sure that I am healthy enough to go on my journey again. I haven't eaten this well in a while."

"So then once your strength is up, you will then leave?" Danzel cut off the man.

"I have to get some more items to trade. I am a merchant after all."

"So, you just need to get some merchant and then you will be on your way?" Danzel questioned as he took a sip of the red liquor.

"Well." Levi started. "That is some of what I need."

"What else do you need?" Danzel snapped. It startled Levi a bit why the King was being so short with him. He hadn't done anything to anger the King, well, not yet anyway.

"Well. I need to get a new wagon, and stealthy horse. I need to have enough food and water, for both me and my animal that I will be riding with."

"Then why not get that stuff?"

"My highness. You should know more than anyone." Danzel glared at the man making him gulp. "I mean. To get the stuff that I need, I need money. That I do not have."

"Don't you merchants have some kind of tab that you use." Danzel questioned. He only knew a little bit about merchants. It wasn't something that he followed too much.

"If we know the person well enough, we can do credits. With that however, we make sure that both parties are happy."

"So, you're making sure that you're not screwing over the other party that had put their trust into you on making the sales on whatever they want you to sell? Is that what you are saying?" Danzel questioned.

"That's pretty much what I am saying. It's a good business for both parties, however, like I said before. You need to have trust in both parties. There have been times that a party didn't finish what was agreed, or they didn't pay what was promised. That's why you have to watch who you are making these agreements with."

"Are there no contracts?" Danzel took a bite of the meat on his plate. Jaysa sat at the table just listening to the two men. She knew what her husband was trying to do.

"We do have contracts. Many want to stay away from contacts though. There have been several people in the field of selling their items have been screwed over even with a contract. So again. It takes you to the trust you have in the person." Levi spoke as he ate the rest of the bread on his plate. Making his way over to the pieces of meat.

"I would think working in that type of profession, that it can get pretty scary." Jaysa finally spoke in the conversation.

"Yes. It can be." Levi turned to look at Jaysa. His eyes gently smiling at her. "I have had ladies luck on my side for many of my travels. I would say that this time, she was not so kind. However, I think there was a reason why I was brought here to this Kingdom."

"And what would that be?" Danzel questioned the man.

"That's the thing." Levi took a sip of his liquor. "I'm not sure why I am here. However, I think that I will soon learn." Danzel glared at the man and Jaysa just smiled.

A knock came from the other side of the door. Martin was sitting in his room looking over some documents. Without looking up, he answered.

"It's open." He spoke. A man walked into the room, the sound of the boots echoed in the room. Without looking up, Martin began to speak to the man that entered. "Is everything going how we planned?" Franken stood straight in front of Martin's desk.

"I have in planted an idea into the travelers' mind about the Queen."

"So what ideas did you plant?" Martin questioned.

"Well. I can tell that the man had fallen for the young Queen. If we can get him to believe that the Queen hates her life here, then he would take it into his own hands to help her." Franken explained to the older man.

"Do you think that the man is stupid enough to try to take the Queen away knowing that his life could end?" Martin questioned.

"The man told me that he would save her even if he had to risk his life." Martin smirked. He finally laid down the documents he was looking over onto his desk. The man slowly stood up and made his way in front of his desk. Leaning on the table which held most of his weight, the man crossed his arms and looked up at the Lieutenant in front of him.

"Many plans that we have come up with have failed. Why do you think that this one will be the one?"

"Sire, I understand your uncertainty. However, this is something that we should not allow to pass." Martin looked down at the floor for a moment before looking the man in the eyes again.

"And you are sure that the young Queen will fall for this man and leave with him."

"Well, that's my hopes anyway. I have been watching the three for the past couple of days. I have noticed that she had become engrossed in his stories. I could see the wheels in her head spinning as if she wants to be out there with the man as he travels through the different Kingdoms." Martin picked up the document that he was looking at before and scanned through it before setting it back down.

"What about my nephew?"

"Oh…" Franken stopped for a moment. "You can tell that he is not very fond of the man." Martin smirked.

"I really hope that this plan works." His features went dark as he spoke. "I almost lost the change completely from becoming King. I don't need that girl getting pregnant again. Even though she didn't drink the poison I gave her, there was still luck on our side. However, the luck hasn't been on our side for the most part. So I really do hope that this works." Franken nodded. He fully understood what had to be done. "You can go now. Keep me updated." Franken made his way out of the room. Martin sighed. He made his way back over to his chair and sat down.

If this doesn't work. Martin thought. I will have to ask for outside help. The man looked at the documents showing an agreement between two Kingdoms.

Down the long hall, the King stormed through. He was getting tired of the man and his stories. No, it wasn't the stories. It was because of his wife. She was gobbling everything the man said up. She had never been that interested in anything that he had seen before that man showed up. Danzel stopped for a second. A loud sound was echoed down the quiet corridors. He had punched the wall. Pain rushed through his hand but he didn't care. The jealousy that had engulfed him. He wanted her to look at him. Be interested in him. Not some other man that she had only met a couple of days ago.

"Damn it!" He cursed. He wanted that man gone. He wan4ed wanted to be with his wife and make it to where she only saw and thought of him. He couldn't help but smirk. He was going to make her look at him, especially tonight. He will make sure that she knows who she belongs too.