Chapter 128

"You don't have to be so scared. I just wanted to speak with you. That is why I took you away from them." Levi looked at Franken not knowing what the man really wanted from him. "I heard that you have taken a liking to the young Queen." Levi stopped. Franken stopped and turned to look at Levi.

"What is this? Black mail? Do you want something from me? I know that you heard that I was robbed of all my merchandise. I don't have anything to give you, and that also involves money." Franken looked at the man. Levi glared at the man. He didn't know what the guard wanted. Levi watched the features on the guards face as they changed. The man smirked, and then smiled, which turned into laughter. Levi was beyond confusion. Why was this man laughing? After several seconds passed and the man finally calmed down he looked at Levi's confused expression.

"You really think that I would black mail some man that just got out of the jail cell because he was thought to be a spy or assassin." Levi grunted.

"You never know with this world." Levi spoke out, one of his hands on his hip. Franken walked over to the man. His face was gentle.

"No, it wasn't anything of what you were thinking about. It was something completely different." Franken's face turned serious as he spoke. "That woman that you saw, she won't say it to others but…" Franken suddenly closed his mouth.

"What! What about her?" Levi almost begged the man to continue. Franken couldn't help but smirk on the inside.

This job is so easy. He thought to himself. He shifted his eyes away from Levi. "The truth is. The young Queen really doesn't like it here."

"Huh?" Levi asked. "It didn't seem that way."

"Well, you see. The King actually is a…. I don't want to speak bad about him, but if he wants something he will take it by force."

"What do you mean?" Levi asked.

"Well, the young Queen was not born of royalty you see." Levi remembered her saying something like that. "His highness found her and perked an interest in her." Levi listened carefully to the man. "He brought her to the castle and demanded to make her his wife. She refused, and that's where things went bad."

"What do you mean?" Levi wasn't sure if he really wanted to know.

"Well, he raped her. He made it so no one would want anything to do with her. If she talked back to his highness he would have her whipped or he would beat her himself." Franken looked at Levi's eyes. They were wide with shock that quickly turned into disgust. "She has actually begged me to try to help her escape from this place. She lives in sadness; she tries her best to deal with the pain. But I don't know how much longer she can last. Not too long ago she had tried to take poison."

"What!" Levi yelled out. "Why would she?"

"She found she was pregnant with the King's child. She didn't want to have his child. When the King found out about it, he beat her pretty bad. She had healed before you even came into the Kingdom. But he has been raping her every night trying to make another child."

"Wait," Levi stopped Franken for a moment. "What happened to other child?" Franken looked away from Levi's eyes.

"She lost it. It was born still." He looked back at Levi. "So since then, the King has been trying to get her pregnant again. When you look at her majesty, she looks like a normal Queen in a normal relationship, but on the inside, she is breaking down. I'm surprised that she hasn't completely broken down yet." Levi's hands turned to fists that were shacking with anger. His entire body showed the anger and disgust that was rising in his body. Franken smirked to himself. "I hope that maybe that you can be of help for the young Queen and get her out of the life that she is living right now." Levi looked at Franken.

"I will do anything for that woman, even if it means I lose my life. I want to save her from that man no matter what the cost."

"I was hoping to hear that." Franken smiled at the man. "Now let's get you to the bathing chambers." Levi nodded. Franken started to walk towards their destination. He let the smirk that was in his mind to show up on his face. Men in love are so stupid and can be easily used.

A couple of days have passed since the talk between the two men. Levi had been telling Jaysa and Danzel the stories of his travels. Jaysa was loving every minute of the tales the man spoke of. Danzel on the other hand, was not caring for the man or his stories. He seemed irritated. Jaysa could sense the hostility coming from her husband. She was unsure if Levi could sense it or not. If he did, he didn't react to it.