Chapter 127

Jaysa was looking at Levi as the guards had removed the shackles on his wrists. Once they were taken off, he rubbed his numb wrists hoping for the blood circulation to get back to his fingers. The guards made their way out of the cell and Levi followed close behind them. He looked down at Jaysa. She had a huge smile on her face.

"I want to thank you." Levi spoke at Jaysa. She only smiled brighter.

"I'm glad that we found out who you were. I hope you understand that we did all this for precaution for my people." Levi's face went sour for a moment. He knew who the man was that spoke out to him. He placed a smile on his face and turned to look at Danzel.

"I can understand. A man that wouldn't speak and looked suspicious would make someone wonder if they were a threat or not. So to lock them up for the safety of his people and for himself as well is understandable." Jaysa saw the hint of displeasure appear on her husband's face before his features turned gentle again. She knew right away that these two men were clashing and if she kept them together like this, anything could happen.

"Well," Jaysa spoke as she clapped her hands together to get the men's attention. "Levi, why don't we get you a bath and then get you something to eat."

"That would be nice." Levi said in a chipper voice. He turned to look at Jaysa. "Will you show me where the baths are?" A growl could be heard from behind him. "I'm only joking." Levi laughed out loud. Jaysa was blushing from hearing a direct statement like that before.

"Guards!" Danzel yelled out. Two men had come running over to Danzel. "I want you to take this man to the servant baths. He needs to be cleaned up." The two men nodded as they began to escort the man. Levi waved his goodbye and yelled out,

"I will see you later for some delicious food!" The couple watched as the man disappeared out of their sight.

"Well isn't he a nice gentleman?" Danzel turned to look at Jaysa. "What?" She asked to why he was glaring at her. Without a word, he stormed over to the young woman, grabbed her waist and pulled her against him.

"What are you…" Jaysa protested as she used her hands to push the man away. Danzel grabbed one of her hands. He pulled her closer and caught her lips in his. She tried to struggle against him, but his grip on her waist was not loosening at all. She felt him push the kiss farther as his tongue slipped over her lips. Giving into the pleasure of the kiss, so allowed entrance and allowed him to deepen the kiss. Several seconds passed which felt like minutes to Jaysa. Danzel pulled his mouth away from hers. He took in a couple of breaths before he spoke.

"You are mine." He laid his head on her shoulder.

"Huh," The only word that had escaped her lips.

"You are mine. You are mine. You are mine." Danzel kept repeating those words. Jaysa brought up her free hand and started to gently stoke his head. She knew what was going on. She couldn't help but feel some joy.

"I know." Jaysa spoke gently. "I am yours, and only yours." He snuggled his face into her neck. Danzel let go of her hand and wrapped it around her waist with his other and pulled her tighter against his body. Jaysa couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face. She knew that the man was jealous. She knew that Danzel cared for her, but he rarely shows it. So to see him freaking out about Levi made her heart fill with hope for this man. Jaysa brought her other hand around the man's head. Danzel pulled away from her neck to look at her.

"I am yours just like you are mine." Jaysa smiled at Danzel. He gave her a small smile. Jaysa brought her husband's head closer to his and took his lips. He was shocked but then gave in.

Levi walked with the guards towards the servants bathing chambers. He was a bit excited to finally get a bath. He knew that he stunk really badly, and he hoped it didn't offend the young Queen. If he did, she didn't show it at all. She was a real woman. He couldn't help but grin as he remembered her. Suddenly the guard's stopped and Levi was brought out of his daydream to focus on what was going on around him. There was a man standing in front of the guards. Looking at his outfit showed that he was not only a guard like them men escorting him, but a level higher.

Maybe a Lieutenant. Levi thought to himself.

"Is there something that you would like Lieutenant Franken?" One of the guards asked. The man pointed at Levi.

"I'm going to take that man that you have."

"Why would you want to? We are just talking him to the servants bathing chambers, nothing that a higher ranked soldier like you would really need to do." The guards spoke up towards the man.

"Are you trying to talk back to your superior?" Franken asked the man, his voice deep and his eyes glared at the men. The man that spoke to Franken swallowed. Levi could tell by the way the men acted that the man standing in front of them wouldn't be someone you would want on your bad side.

"No sir!" The man stood tall his arms folded behind his back. Franken grinned. He made his way over to Levi.

"I will be taking this man." Franken spoke as he grabbed the man by his arm. "Do either of you have any objections about it?" He looked at both the men.

"No sir!" Both men almost yelled out.

"Good." Franken said as he dragged Levi in the same direction the two men were going before. "You men can go back to your stations."

"Yes sir!" Without looking, Franken knew the men were standing tall. He then heard the sounds of their boots hitting the floor as they made their way back to the direction they have come from. Franken started walking the direction the guards were heading before he stopped them. Levi followed the man. He had no idea why the man had pulled him away from the guards. He was a bit scared to even ask why.