Chapter 137

"It is rare." The woman started. "It just depends on how well they grow during the harvest time. There could be many years that this vegetable wouldn't grow. Then one year it would grow a huge stock amount."

"Oh." Was all Jaysa could say as she listened to the older lady.

"So when we do get merchant in and they have rare items, just like this, we buy as much as we can,"

"That makes sense." Jaysa spoke.

"Well, enough of that. Let me get you something to eat."

"That would be wonderful." Jaysa smiled as she watched the older woman make her way around the kitchen.

Jaysa licked her lips as he walked down the hall. The food those maids made was delicious like always. After she finished, she was nicely told to get out by the head maid. Jaysa was fine with getting kicked out. She enjoyed the conversation's she had with the other women. She couldn't wait till dinner. Jaysa was excited to taste what the gelmond.

I hope Madison likes it too, I doubt she has eaten it either. Jaysa stopped walking. She hasn't seen Madison since yesterday. She knew that Madison was making a dress at the moment. She had an idea of where she was.

Jaysa turned down a hallways heading towards the library when she heard someone call her name. Turning around, she was met with her husband's stare. The man walked up to the young woman. Jaysa didn't move. The man stopped only a few inches away from his wife.

"I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" Danzel questioned. Jaysa cocked her head to the side.

"I was hungry and got something to eat."

"No wonder I couldn't find you." Danzel scratched the back of his head while the other hand was on his hip. He moved his head to the left. "You were in the kitchen." Danzel mumbled to himself. Jaysa still heard him due to it being so quiet.

"Why were you looking for me? Jaysa questioned. Danzel didn't say a word. He grabbed Jaysa's arm and pulled her close to him. Danzel brought their lips together. Jaysa allowed the embrace and didn't struggle. Danzel pulled his lips from hers for only a second before pushing them back against hers. She felt his tongue push against her lips asking for entry. Jaysa slowly opened her mouth. Danzel took no time to push his tongue inside her mouth. He tasted the food that she had eaten just a while ago. Danzel used one of his hands to hold Jaysa's head in place while the other made its way down her back.

"We can't…" Jaysa broke the kiss and looked at her husband. Lust was already filling his eyes.

"It's no issue." Danzel spoke in a faint voice and covered the woman's lips again.

"I just ate. So at least…" Jaysa spoke again breaking the kiss.

"And I'm going to eat you." Danzel said in a raspy voice. Right then she knew that he was going to keep pushing and not she really couldn't stop him. So she might as well give up for now.

"Fine, but not here." Danzel looked at Jaysa, then around the area. Finding what looked like a place that satisfied him. He grabbed Jaysa by the arm and dragged her to a door. Opening it, he pulled them both inside.

Once the door was shut, Danzel took no time grabbing his wife into his arms again. "Danzel." Jaysa tried to talk, but her words were quieted by the man's lips. He pushed her up against the door. Roaming his hands all over her body as their tongues played with each other. Finally breaking the kiss, Danzel reached behind Jaysa's back and found the zipper for the dress. Pulling it down, he helped Jaysa out of her dress allowing it to fall to the ground. He attacked the young woman's jawline, neck and shoulders. Sucking and biting as he moved his mouth downwards. The silky white fabric was the only material that was left. Danzel took it off by pulling it up and over Jaysa's head, throwing it somewhere on the floor. He looked at the body in front of him. Jaysa's eyes were showing lust, and her chest was moving up and down with each breath she let in and out. He could tell that she was aroused. He kissed her again while one of his hands moved down her body and caught one her breasts in his hand. He loved the feeling of them in his hands. He couldn't get enough of touching really any part of her body.

"You're more excited than normal." Danzel grinned as he looked at Jaysa.

"Shut up. You're the one that made me this way." Jaysa avoided the man's eyes as she spoke the last part. Danzel couldn't help but chuckle. The hand that was on the breast moved down between his wife's legs.

"You're soaked." Danzel spoke as he slipped his finger between her lips. "I didn't realize that doing this kind of thing turned you on this much." His voice as was deep and seductive. He spoke next to her ear which made a shiver go down her body. He must've felt it, since he grinned as she moaned out a bit. He kissed her neck again and pushed a finger inside.

"Danzel…." Jaysa moaned out. She felt as he played with her body. Danzel used his free hand to lift up one Jaysa's legs. She almost lost balance when he did this. Jaysa quickly grabbed a hold of Danzel's neck and wrapped her arms around them. Doing that, pulled her body closer the man's. "Ahh…..nnnn…." Jaysa threw her head back and moaned. The fingers inside of her went deeper into her body as well. She didn't realize that she was allowing his more access to her body when he lifted up her leg.