Chapter 136

Danzel was being frustration. He never thought that another man would even think about touching what was his. He didn't care if it had something to do with his uncle or Lieutenant. He didn't care that they put idea's in his head. It was the fact that he dared to act on them. Danzel gritted his teeth. Also his wife saying that the man shouldn't be punished. Danzel slowed his walking and finally stopped. He had left the Library and just stormed down the hallways. He didn't pay attention to where he was going, nor did he care. His anger started to slowly die down along with his pace. When he thought of Jaysa. He didn't know she felt like that. Remembering what she said broke his heart. When was speaking, he couldn't or more like he didn't know what to say. Yes, she did take something precious away, but he would never hate her for it. The last time they made love, they talked about what happened. He had forgiven her. They even talked about trying again to start a family. He seriously thought it was already taken care of that night. Yet, the thoughts still haunted her mind. Danzel took a deep sigh and slowly let it out. The relationship that they have had been rocky since the beginning. However, it had slowly begun to change. Maybe even deepening. Thinking of Jaysa always brought calm to his heart. Even is if she pissed him off to no end. He still loved her. He still wants to be with her. He wants her to want him. That's was something that he realized during the conversation. She did care for him. She doesn't love another man. She loves him., and she will never leave with another man. A grin appeared on his face. He was the man she loves and no one else. He couldn't stop grinning. He wanted her. He wanted her right now. Moving his fee again. He started his search for his beautiful wife.

Jaysa made her way to the kitchen. She was hungry after all the screaming and crying that she went through a while ago. Walking into the room, she saw several maids moving around the room. Cooking and cleaning the area around her. Walking into the middle of the room. She heard a voice that she knew right away.

"My Queen. What are you doing here?" Jaysa turned and smiled at the head maid. Her face never changed as she looked at Jayda. Jayda believed that the woman never smiled, due to never seeing much emotion on her face except for the serious look she would give her. Well, everyone, not just her.

"I was hungry and wanted something to snack on." Jaysa replied to the older lady. The woman just sighed.

"You know you can request for a maid to get you some food. You don't have to come all this way. Jaysa knew that older woman was a bit irritated that she came over to the kitchen. However, it was always fun to speak with the young ladies in the kitchen. She learned that many have their own families and some even live and work here in the castle.

"I know." Jaysa replied. "But it's fun to come over here and chat. I don't get to be around such wonderful women." Jaysa smiled as she spoke. It was all true. She liked being around Madison, but there were just some things she didn't feel that she could talk to her about. The head maid took in another sigh.

"Follow me." The older woman spoke. Jaysa knew that it didn't matter. The woman had yet to kick her out of the kitchen. It may be because she was the Queen. Jaysa quietly laughed to herself. She highly doubted that was the reason. The older want never tried to suck up to her like several of the younger maid did in the past.

"Hello your majesty." She heard the greeting form the young maids working in the kitchen when they noticed her.

"Hello, how are you?" She would get responses of,

"Good," and "Fine, thinks for asking."

Jaysa stopped in front of a table that was full of fruits and vegetables. Many she knew right away what they were, but some she didn't know. Since the opening of the Kingdom. More and more merchants have been coming in from all over. Not just Levi. So there have been more types of food that she had never eaten before.

"What is this?" Jaysa questioned. She pointed at a brown small long log. The maid looked at what Jaysa was point at.

"That is gelmonds." She replied.

"Gelmonds? What is that?"

"It's a rare vegetable that is grown in the harshest parts of the world.

"Can you eat it?" Jaysa asked.

"You can. After you boil it for twenty-four hours."

"Twenty-four hours? That's quite a long time."

"Yes, it is." The maid replied. "It's hard as a rock and cannot be assumed until it's softened.

"Will this soon be on the menu?"

"Actually, yes. We have already boiled some that will be ready for dinner." Jaysa nodded. She was getting excited to eat the food.

"Oh." Jaysa spoke. You said that its rare. How much is this type of food cost?"

"3,000 gold coins."

"Oh. 3,000 gold coins…. Wait 3,000 gold coins!" Jaysa yelled the last part out in complete shock. "Is… Is that each?" Jaysa asked. Barely able to get out the words due to feeling faint rush through her body from the shock.

"Yes, each." The older woman replied nonchalant.

"And how many did we get?" Jaysa questioned.

"We bought fifty of them."

"Fi…fif… fifty…." Jaysa voice was stuttering. "That's…" Jaysa started to count on her fingers, "A hundred and fifty thousand gold coins."

"So you know how to calculate pretty good." The maid spoke. She wasn't effected by the shock that Jaysa was going through. "This type of amount is nothing to what we have spent before."

"But wait." Jaysa stopped for a moment. The maid looked at her. "You said it's rare. How were we able to buy so many?"