Chapter 140

"But I want to." Danzel's voice and face didn't match. He was glaring at the man while speaking in a gentle voice. Jaysa sighed knowing what was going to happen if they kept this up. "We will give you a new cart and a really good stead. It will be able to take you were you want to go. We will also give you some of our items, food, fabrics, and money so you can continue your journey."

"What would you say if I wanted to stay here?" Levi asked. Danzel's eyebrows twitched. Martin didn't say a word during the entire conversation.

"I won't stop you from not leaving. However, if you do decide to stay here. You will not be staying in this castle anymore. You will have to go get your own house and find another woman to love." Levi smirked and then began to laugh. Danzel was unsure how to react to this.

"Don't worry." Levi spoke as he slowly calmed down. "I was just trying to ruffle your feathers a little bit." Danzel growled at the man. "I have to admit. It was fun. But really…" Levi smiled gently. "…I'm a merchant. So I am always on the road." I can't stay in one place to long. I know that I have over stayed my stay here. But there were some things that I just couldn't just up and leave without getting to the bottom of it." Levi looked over to Jaysa, "I'm glad that it wasn't anything." Jaysa eyes went wide for a moment. Remember what was said in the library.

"Yes." Jaysa spoke quietly. Levi looked back at Danzel.

"I am actually grateful to the both you. Especially you, your Majesty. You have done so much So I have no issue with leaving this Kingdom." Danzel's glare had changed and began to soften.

"I'm sure as a merchant that we would see each other again." Levi nodded and spoke,

"Of course." The atmosphere had lifted and it was more realizing than it was before. The embarrassment that Jaysa was filling about being caught by Madison had disappeared when the two men started to talk. Now, everyone was able to have a normal relaxing dinner. Jaysa looked down at her plate and plopped some food in her mouth. The item melted in her mouth.

"Delicious." Jaysa spoke out. Danzel looked at his wife and smiled. She looked around for one of the maids and called her over.

"Is there something you need your Majesty?" The young woman asked. Jaysa pointed to the white circler thin slice of food on her plate.

"Oh, that gelmonds. The woman spoke with a smile.

"Ah. SO that's what gelmonds tastes like." It melts like butter, but it had a sweet taste to it as well. Jaysa took another bite and couldn't help but fell excited from the sweetness that dissolved on her tongue.

"Is this the first time you've eating gelmonds before?" Jaysa turned to her husband and nodded. She swallowed her food.

"Since I've been living here. I have been able to eat so many different kinds of food that I've never eaten or even heard of. It's a wonderful thing." Jaysa couldn't help but show her excitement.

"Well, maybe when I come back. I'll bring stuff that you have never eaten or heard of before."

"That would be wonderful" Jaysa spoke out in excitement.

Danzel, Madison, and Jaysa said their farewells to Levi as he was getting ready to leave the castle. He was given a wagon that had a bench in the front that he could sit on. The back was large both long and deep. There was a tarp that was tied to the wagon already. It hid several items that Danzel had giving the man. The horse Danzel gave him was a large white steed that had small black dots on its coat.

"This will defiantly work and this…" Levi held up the bag of money that Danzel had given him. "…. I should be fine for a while."

"I'm glad we were able to help." Jaysa spoke with a gentle smile on her face. Levi walked over to Jaysa. "What?" She was confused to why the man was so close to her.

"Are you sure you don't want to come along with me?" Levi asked. Jaysa blushed due to the man being so close to her.

"Hey!" Danzel's voice was loud as he spoke out.

"I was just kidding." Levi laughed. Jayda tired to smile, but then was completely frozen in shock. Levi was kissing her, and in front of her husband no less.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?"" Danzel tried to grab the man. Levi moved before he could be caught.

"That was just a good luck kiss." Levi laughed before getting onto the wagon. Levi smacked the reins for the horse to start moving. Danzel growled as he yelled at the man.

"I hope you get robbed again you asshole!" Levi just waived back at the two. Danzel turned to look at his wife that was still in a shock from the kiss. "That bastard. I should have him killed before he leaves." Jaysa heard the words her husband spoke and snapped out of her daze. Danzel called out to his guards but was suddenly stopped. Jaysa had grabbed her husband by the arm and pulled him down into a kiss. She used her free hand to pull down his head. The two parted and Danzel stared at his wife.

"Leave him. He just wanted to ruffle your feathers. And I say that he is doing a good job at it too." Danzel turned read with both embarrassment and anger.

"He didn't ruffle anything." Danzel growled. Jaysa just smirked.

"Sire." A guard walked up to Danzel. "Were you wanting us to still go after the man or…?" Danzel looked down at his wife, whom was glaring at him. He looked back at the guard.

"No. Leave him." Danzel turned back to his wife. She now wore a smile on her face. She really controls me. He thought. Oh well. Danzel leaned down and kissed his wife on the lips. "You owe me for allowing that fucker to leave with that kiss." Jaysa only smirked.