Chapter 144

There were several maids and decorators running around. Jaysa had never seen it this busy. She was sure that it may have been like this during her and Danzel's wedding. Yet, she didn't see what happened behind the scenes. She knew that age of her husband, but she wondered if her husband knew hers. He never once asked. When she was first taken to the castle. The Prince was looking for girls that were fifteen to eighteen. It must have been because he was unsure of her age. He probably didn't care either due to the fact that he had found her. Jaysa mind wondered to when she was told about the event.

"There's going to be a party?" Jaysa questioned. Joseph had made his way inside the library that Jaysa and Madison were. The girls were working on a new dress. Beads were being glued to the dress. Jaysa could tell right away that the young teen was struggling with is. Jaysa was really surprised that Madison caught on quick with the buttons that she had bought. So Jaysa thought the next thing they could do was make patterns with jewelry. She had started small with flat beads, then to slowly to bigger ones. She was wondering if maybe she was going to fast adding the jewels. Madison hadn't been this frustrated for a while.

"Yes. Your majesty. It's for the King." Jaysa was helping the teen get the beads onto the dress. Even though Joseph was talking to her. She never looked away from what she was doing.

"So what does that man want to celebrate this time?" Jaysa asked.

"It's the Majesties nineteenth birthday." Jaysa stopped and looked at the older man. "Did he not tell you?" Joseph questioned. Jaysa turned her attention back to the dress.

"Of course not. He doesn't talk about much besides the Kingdom and sex." Joseph caused a bit.

"I'm sure that he knows more about you than what he talks about." Jaysa stayed quiet. "My lady—"

"When will the party be?" Jaysa questioned cutting off the older man.

"It would be two weeks from now. We will be quite busy. Many neighbor Kingdoms and counties Kings, Queens, politicians, and even high class nobles will be there. So make sure that you are on your best behavior." Joseph joked the last part out. Jaysa wanted to make a comment of whether those words were her husbands. Or if the man was trying to make a joke.

"Don't worry. I don't have the anger that I use to have against that man." Jaysa spoke quietly. Joseph was quiet and smiled. It was a few moments later when he finally speaking again.

"Well I do hope that that you enjoy yourself." Jaysa smiled softly to Joseph.

"Don't worry I will."

Jaysa made her way to the Library. Jaysa just stayed out of the way of the rushing bodies. She didn't want to be in the way, so she thought best pace to be would be where she felt most comfortable. Madison was already in the library. She was sitting in one of the cushion chairs reading a book. Glancing over at the title. She saw it was an adventure due to the name. Madison had finished making her latest dress and decided to have some down time. Jaysa was quiet surprised that she was reading. The young teen would finish one dress and automatically start a new one. So far, the young teen had made five dressed. Jaysa believed that she would soon get bored. Yet, Madison would start a new dress. So seeing her reading made Jaysa smile. It was time for that long awaiting break that the girl should've taken a while ago.

"Ah! Jaysa." Madison spoke as she jumped up. She placed the book on the floor next to her. "I'm surprised that you are here."

"Why do you say that?" Jaysa asked.

"I thought that you would want to be with your husband's side." Jaysa shook her head.

"No. I would be in the way if I was out there during that rush. Plus, I don't l know what that man want to do or how to place certain things. So I just left the area and got of the way." Madison looked at Jaysa.

"Oh." Madison walked back to the custom and plopped down. She grabbed the book and started to reading.

It was quiet in the library again. Jaysa walked over to one of the shelves and picked up a book that looked interesting. Taking a book that peaked her interest, she made her way to one of the cushions next to Madison. She plopped herself on it. Madison turned to glance at Jaysa for a moment before her eyes returned to her own book. The young woman opened the book and began reading. It was going to be a while before everything was ready for the celebration.

The day had finally come. Several people were in the baguette hall talking to one another. Jaysa was at her husband's side as she watched him talk to a noble from another Kingdom.

"What a fine party you have here." The man spoke as he twirled the wine in his cup.

"Why thank you. I wasn't sure what color roses I was going to use for the table. So I asked my wife to help me out." Danzel spoke. The man grinned. He looked over at Jaysa.

"Why aren't you a wonderful wife." Jaysa tried to smile to the man. "I know when I need help with decorating anything. I always go to my wife. Women are so much better at finding out what is best, especially for these types of events."

"Yes I do understand. She was really helpful." The two men started to laugh.