Chapter 151

Jaysa and Madison followed the older man down the halls. Jaysa had asked the man what her husband wanted know and the Joseph would just respond with,

"You will see when we get there." This made her suspicions for her husband grow more.

The two stopped in front a large two double doors. The doors were very familiar. She was just in the room not too long ago for her husband's birthday. So why were they in front of them now? Joseph opened one of the doors. He moved out the way and put his arm in front of him saying please go in. Jaysa looked at the man and then the inside of the room. It was pitch black. There were not lights at all inside the room. She was very ­­­­wary from going into the room. She glanced over to the man that only held his same smile. Jaysa decided to trust the man and walk into the room. It was quiet. Joseph and Madison followed. The sound of the door closing brought fear throughout Jaysa's body. What was going on. The room suddenly got bright and loud,

"Surprise!" Was heard though out the entire room. It took a moment for Jaysa to digest what had just happened. The room was filled with several tables that was stacked with different types of food and drinks. What got the woman's attentions was not the food, flowers, or even the decorations on the table and around the huge hall. It was the people that were in the room. They were not just some random people that were pulled off the streets or from other Kingdoms. They were people she knew very well.

"Erica!" Jaysa ran over to the woman and gave her a big hug. "Everyone!" Jaysa looked around. Several women that she would speak to were here in the castle. They were here in the same room with her. But why.

"Happy Birthday Jaysa!" Jaysa turned to look at her husband. She stood only a few feet away from her. A gentle smile was displayed on his face. Tears started to pool up in her eyes. He had done this for her. Was it because of the argument that they had before? Did he think that this was something that she wanted? Of course, he was right. This was what she wanted. To be able to celebrate something like her birthday with her friends and husband. She ran over to Danzel and hugged him.

"Thank you so much." Jaysa cried. "I really do appreciate this. Thank you." Danzel grabbed his wife's head and moved it upwards towards him. He kissed her lips gently with his and spoke out softly.

"I told you. I will do anything for you. And even though you didn't say anything. I knew that you wanted to celebrate your birthday with those closest to you. I even had Joseph go out and get everyone here just for you." Jaysa smiled at the man in front of her. He could be so kind sometimes. This was one of those times. She wanted to just push him down and show how happy she was, but decided against it. She hasn't seen her friends in a long time. She wanted to spend time with them and celebrate something that should've been done four months ago. "Go. Enjoy yourself." He spoke gently to her. He knew what she was thinking of. The smile only grew as she nodded. She gave her husband one more quick kiss before running back over to her friends.

"So you are really pregnant again!" Erica questioned. Jaysa nodded. "Are you excited. I know what had happened to you last time. I don't know what I would've done if something like that had happened to me." Erica felt pain run through her heart. Even though she was not there for what was going on. She still felt pain as she spoke about it. "Don't worry about it. That happened in the past."

"But still." Another girl spoke up. "That must've been a hard time for you to lose that child." Jaysa nodded.

"It was. But we now are starting all over again. I think that what had happened in the past was so we could get to where we are at now." Jaysa touched her stomach. "We were having issues with our relationship. But, due to what had happened. It had brought us closer. Also, what had happened with Levi. It just strengthened our relationship even more."

"I can't believe that that would happen to you." Erica laughed.

"What is wrong with that. Do you think that I shouldn't be having other guys looking at me? I may be the Queen, but I am a woman first. So if another man looks my way. I won't be offended in the least.

"No. But your husband would have that man's head on a platter real quick."

"That is so true!" The women began to laugh. Jaysa missed this. She wished that she could be around them more than the few months in between that she had been doing for a while. Only time that Danzel allowed her out of the castle was when she needed to get some fabric for the dress's. If she wanted to go see her friends, she had to have a guard with her. She understood the reason behind it. However, it just didn't feel right to have someone always following her around. She had given up the argument with her husband about that. As long as she could leave the castle when she wanted without him throwing fit. Then she would just do as she was told.