Chapter 156

It had been five months since the celebration for Jaysa was thrown. Each passing month. Jaysa's belly grew bigger. Danzel being the worried type, had told Jaysa that she would no longer be able to leave the castle until after the baby was born. Of course that would start fights between the two. They had this happen before, but Jaysa had stopped arguing with him. The last time she was pregnant and left the castle she got hurt. So this time, she would bow down to him and do what he said. Even though she didn't want to. So instead, Madison had become her delivery girl. Danzel of course told her that she didn't have to go out at all. They could easily get someone else to do it so neither of the girls have to go out. Jaysa turned down the invitation. Madison was really only one that really knew the taste of what she wanted.

The two women were in their special room reading books as they sat on their picked cushions. Jaysa was trying to read the book that was in her hands, but her eyes would not focus.

"Ah!" Jaysa flew her hands up in the air along with the book. Madison looked over at Jaysa wondering what she was doing. "I'm so bored. I don't like this." Jaysa brought her hands back down onto her round stomach.

"What do you think we can when the King won't let us out of castle. Not even to go out shopping." Madison turned a page as she continued reading. She could empathize with the Queen. They were both so tired of being caged in the castle.

There was not much that they could do. Danzel had become busy with the Kingdom. He had to make sure that everything was going well between them and the other Kingdoms in the area. Since everything had calmed down. Jaysa noticed that there have been more parties. It was not to celebrate anyone's birthday It was to build a strong association between the Kingdoms. Many people had said their congrats to the couple hoping for a healthy child. None of them know that that's what the two hoped for the most. Those social events were not to Jaysa in the least. She knew the reasons behind them. However, she didn't want to be stuck in there listening to old men talk about things she knew nothing about nor comprehended. So she was bored out of her mind. Still, this was for her husband and to show to everyone that he can be a liable King. Both to his Kingdom, and if needed, outside as well.

Jaysa took in another sigh. She looked down at the book that was in her hands. She didn't care for those events. She didn't have much to say during the open door policy. Nor did she care to sit there and read books day in and day out when there was nothing else to do.

"Jaysa. Why don't we find something else that we can do so we are not as bored?" Jaysa turned to look at Madison.

"What could we do? I don't think there is anything we can do besides read. If we could go to the market or even better meet up with Erica or the other girls. It would be nice. I'm just so tired of being cooped up in this place."

"I agree with you totally. We can go ask the King if we could go out. We can bring some guards or something. I know that he wants to keep you safe. So I would say as long as we have someone with us maybe we can go." Jaysa hardly doubted that Danzel would let her take one step out of the castle the way he's been so strict with her the last several months.

"We can go ask him. There is no issue doing that." Jaysa pushed herself off the cushion. She may have to move to one of the chairs. It was getting harder and harder for her to get up and down with the belly she had. Madison helped the young woman up onto her feet.

"The worst thing that he would say is no." Madison grabbed Jaysa's hand and pulled her along.

And that is what I'm afraid that he would say. Jaysa let Madison drag her out of the library to go find her husband.

Danzel was walking down the hall. He cracked his neck. He was either having event thrown to get closer to the other Nations so that they could rely on him and vice versa if needed. He needed it. Since he taken over the Kingdom. He had been looked down at and he knew that. He needed to prove himself to the others, and by holding those social events really helped him. However, that's all it seemed he was doing. Appeasing both the other territories. Not only them, but his people as well. He had so many request asked of him. He needed to take a break.

"Your highness." Danzel heard a familiar voice call out to him. He turned to see Joseph walking over to him.

"What is it Joseph?" Joseph walked up to Danzel.

"There is something that I need to talk to you about that I think you should know about right away."

"What is it?" Danzel questioned. His eyes squinted.

"Not here." Joseph looked around as if he was looking for someone.

Something that he couldn't talk to me about right here. I wonder what it is. "Okay. Let's go somewhere where we can talk." Joseph nodded.