Chapter 166

"This was attached the reins of the man's horse, your Sire." The man handed over the document. Danzel looked at the paper before noticing the seal on it. He recognized it right away. He scowled at the item. It was King Aiden's seal. With his rider dead and coming back to his Kingdom only meant one thing.

"I need a knife." Danzel spoke the to the guards around him. They are started stumbling for a small blade. He was handed a small pocket knife from one the men. The man bowed before walking away from his King. Danzel ripped the seal and began to read the content inside. The words he read were something he hoped wouldn't happen. He crumbled the letter. This is the last straw. If that man wanted a war. By damn he would get it.

"So are we really going to go to war with the man?" Joseph questioned his King. Danzel huffed and put is feet flat down on the floor. He leaned to the side. His chin in the palm of his hand as his elbow rested on the armrest.

"If that man wants a war. Then that is what I'm going to give him. I tried to make peace, and what does he do?" Danzel stood up in his chair. "He sends back a corps. That is not something you would do unless you really want to cause chaos." Danzel yelled. Joseph agreed with the young man.

"Sire. If that is your decision and you want to bring war to that Kingdom. I have no right to stop you. Only thing I can do is stay beside you. Danzel nodded. He would have to get some of his guards and people that are willing to find for this Kingdom to back him up. Danzel sat back down in the chair. His eyes focused on the ceiling. He didn't want to do this. However, it was the only way to save his Kingdom. Jaysa said that no matter what he chose. She would support him. She was his support. Danzel stood up.


"Yes Sire." Danzel walked over to the man and glanced at him for a moment then at the door in front of him.

"I want to you to send message to all the guards and to all the people as well. Let them know that we have something urgent that is happening. I need everyone under the balcony within the next half hour. Can you do that?" Joseph turned to face the King. He bowed and said,

"Yes Sire. I can do that."

"Good. Meet me at the entrance of the verandah once everything is taken care of." Joseph kept his head down.

"Yes Sire." Danzel left the room. He knew he could trust that man. However, who else could he trust. The Lieutenant that pledged complete loyalty was not loyal in the least. He didn't have proof of his ill deeds. Yet, he didn't trust the man. What he hated the most, was the fact that that man would have to come due to him being the leader all the guards. He would be a good leader to whomever was willing to protect the village.

Danzel made his way down the hallway until he saw the entrance to the balcony. He saw Joseph and Jaysa standing by the entrance waiting for him. He walked over to Jaysa and peered down at the child in her arms. He gently stroked the child's face. He eyes changed over to Jaysa. Jaysa smiled to her husband.

"Don't worry." Jaysa spoke out. She could tell that her husband was nervous. The last time that they talked about wars was when his uncle was King. He was afraid that many wouldn't want to help join with the fight due to what had happened during his uncles ruling. "You are not your uncle. You have said that several times before. You are doing this to protect the Kingdom. Remember that." Danzel gently cupped Jaysa's face with one of his hands.

"You are right." He gently kissed her lips. Talking with the young woman always calmed him. He stood tall and made his way out onto the veranda. He looked down at the people below. He knew that he would have to talk to his people about something that many may not want to be a part of something that hurt many in the past. However, this was something that would need to asked and hoped that many would understand why he was doing this. Danzel closed his eyes for a moment. Opening them back open, Danzel began to speak.

"My people. I have gathered you all here due to an unfortunate event that has happened." There were some mumbles that were spoken between some of his people. Words he couldn't make out from where he stood. "There had been talk about war from the Kingdom of the North, Kortanel. When I tried to address it. I found that there was no real intention of the so called war to start. However, things have now changed." Danzel gritted his teeth. He remembered what had happed to his rider. "I have now lost someone that was loyal to not only his King, but the entire Kingdom. The King of Kortanel had sent a letter declaring that there will be a war between our two Kingdom." Danzel held the crumbled paper in his hand above his head. "I understand that war is the last thing that anyone wants to go through due to the tragedy that had happened in the past. But I want to ask. Please. Please help me protect this Kingdom. Our Kingdom. Without a Kings people, there is no King. There is no Kingdom." He put his hand down to his side. "So I want to ask. I need your help. I won't be able to protect the Kingdom with only a few of my own guards. I'm not going to force anyone into this war. I would understand. However, if you are willing to help protect our Kingdom. Then please let me know. Even if no one wants to help me with this. I will try my best to protect this Kingdom." Danzel stood quiet. He glanced from side to side. It was completely quiet. It didn't work. Danzel didn't want to force his people into the unwanted war. Yet, deep down he felt like many that had the will to fight, would speak up. No one had though. He only had only a few hundred soldiers that he could use. However, the King of Kortanel had many more. How was he going to protect his people? He had not gained the full trust of his people after what had happed. He may have changed everything the way it was before. Yet, that was not good enough. Danzel closed his eyes. He had to give up. There was no one that wanted to take a role like this on. He would have to come up with a plan to protect his people. The young King opened his eyes and took one last glance around his people that stood below him. He opened his mouth ready to say something when he was caught off.