Chapter 167

"I will protect the Kingdom! This is our home!" A male voice in the crowd was heard. Danzel scanned the area trying to find out who spoke out. He saw a man holding up his hand. He couldn't tell the man's exact age, but he looked to be in his late twenties.

"Me too." Another voice was heard.

"I want to protect our Kingdom." Several more voices were heard. Soon there were voices there were mixed in with each other. His people wanted to protect their Kingdom. They wanted to fight along with their King. Even after what had happened. They saw him as someone to fight along with. Danzel felt his heart warm. He never thought he would feel like this listening to his people speak. He raised his hand up telling everyone to quiet down. Once it was quiet. Danzel began to speak.

"I want to think everyone that wants to protect our home. Everyone that wants to help protect this Kingdom. There are guards down where you are at. Follow them. They will take you to a place for training. We can train as much as needed until we meet on the battlefield." A loud roar was heard throughout the entire area. Danzel smiled to himself. He couldn't believe that he was able to get people to help him. He made the signal and the guards started to speak out to the people. Danzel watched as some of the crowd followed the guards and some left to go back to their homes. He couldn't wait to find out how many are willing to put their lives on the line for their Kingdom.

Making his way back inside, he was met with Joseph and Jaysa. She held a smile on her face.

"Sire, you did it. I knew you could." Danzel looked at the older man.

"I didn't do anything. This was all my people's choice. I was not going to force them into something that they were not wanting to stake their lives on. Each one that is going to participate in this war. Know that they are lying down their lives to protect this Kingdom. Because they are willing to do this. I know that I can trust them all fully.

"Yes Sire. I understand. I'm sure that your people do trust you."

"So. What is the plan now?" Jaysa questioned. Danzel looked at Jaysa and smirked.

"It's time for training."

Franken looked over at Martin. The man was grinning. He was in a great mood. The man leaned back and began to laugh. The Lieutenant was unsure what to do. So he just waited until the older man stopped his laughter.

"I can't believe how predictable my nephew is." The older man laughed. "He actually plans on winning a war with people that have either never fought in a war. King Aiden's soldiers will slaughter all of them in no time." Martin's laughter started to calm. "Don't you think that my nephew is stupid?" Franken glanced up at Martin.

"To tell you the truth. I'm quite surprised that even one of his people would speak up and say they would join the fight. I really thought that no one would help him. Especially with what had happened in the past." Martin sat back in his chair. He folded his arms against his chest.

"That is one thing that gets on my nerves. In such a short time, he was able to gain the respect of the people again. I would've thought that no one would want anything to do with him." Martin uncrossed his arms and placed his elbow on the arm rest. He leaned his head onto his fist and started at the man at the other side of the room. "That was ridiculous that he even asked for his people to help him with the war. If it was me. I would make them fight even if they didn't want to." Franken stayed quiet. He remembered how Martin ruled the Kingdom. How he forced the people into war. Not caring if they lived or died. Yet, since Danzel became King. He had not only gotten the respect of the people that he had lost due to his uncle's actions. He was able to do it in less than a year. He started to realize the change when Danzel had the open door policy. He heard several of the villagers talk about how happy they were to have Danzel as their King. It was just like when his father was alive. Franken could feel the love and respect coming from the people. However, when he stayed at Martin's side. Only thing that he got from the people was complete hate and disgust. "Franken!" Martin yelled. Franken snapped out of his thoughts.

"Sire." He replied.

"What were you doing? Daydreaming?" Martin sat up in his chair staring at the Lieutenant.

"I'm sorry sir." Martin grunted.

"I was asking you what you thought about the stupidity of my nephew." Franken cleared his throat and spoke to the man.

"I really think that he has accomplished quite a bit in a short time." Martin's eyes narrowed. "Even though we think of him as being stupid. He is quiet smart. Getting so many people to give their loyalty and willingness to fight with him in a war that he gave permission to deny is astounding." A growl was heard from the other side of the table.

"Are you trying to tell me that no matter what I do. My nephew will just out smart me?" Martin growled out. "Are you saying that he is a better King than me!" Martin slammed his fist onto the table. "Should I worry about your loyalty to me?" Franken stood his ground.

"Sir. I did not say any of that. You asked me what I thought of the Kings stupidity. And I just said what I have seen. He's not that stupid." Martin slammed both hands onto the table.

"Get out! I don't want to hear you compliment my nephew like you are. With the way you are talking, makes me think that you are starting to like Danzel as King. Is that what you want? Do you want that…. that no good child as King!"

"Sire." Franken spoke out.

"Get out of here! I can tell were your loyalty stands."


"I said get the fuck out of here!" Martin picked up an item on his desk and threw it at the Lieutenant. The man bowed and exited the room. Martin sad down in his chair after the man left. He growled out. Was that man going soft on me? He had always agreed with me with everything. Why would he suddenly start to say stuff like that? He couldn't be… Martin didn't want to finish that sentence. That man had been by his side for so many years. So it couldn't be true. Martin leaned back in his chair and started at across the room at nothing in particular.