Chapter 168

Danzel made his way down to the courtyard. It was filled with several people that he didn't recognize. Only some he remembered seeing during the opening door events. Other than that, he realized that he didn't know his own people. He would have to go out into the village more often to get to know his people. After this. He would have to do that. Danzel made his way over to one of his guards that stood at the side.

"Your highness." The man bowed once he noticed Danzel standing next to him.

"Lift your head." The man did so. Danzel looked around. It was packed. There were so many people here. More than what he expected to be.

"How many people are here?" Danzel questioned.

"About a two hundred and nine people." The man replied. That was more than what Danzel would ever have thought. Several of the people there were a mix of age. Some looked like they were in their teens to maybe into their forties."

"So we have a bit over three hundred men that will protect the Kingdom." Danzel spoke mostly to himself.

"I hope that is enough. I heard that the Kingdom Kortanel had a quite big army." Danzel nodded.

"I know that when my uncle ruled over the Kingdom, that he would make wars with other counties and Kingdom. However, because of his stupidity, we have lost so many of our men. I don't want that to happen. I want to have as little casualties as possible."

"Do you think that we can win a war like that?" The man questioned. Danzel turned and glared at the man. "I'm sorry Sire. I just mean."

"I understand." Danzel moved his gaze back over to the people in the courtyard. Many were already starting to learn either holding a sword, or in battles with wooden ones. "I want to protect my people, just like my father did. So I want us to win. I will do whatever I need to do for that to happen."

"I just think that it's weird that the King of Kortanel would suddenly sprout war on us." Danzel glanced back at the guard. "I mean. He was one of our greatest allies."

"Well, sometimes our greatest allies become our greatest foes." The guard looked down at the ground.

"That's now how I saw it the last time the King of Kortanel was here. He got on really well with his Sire." Danzel's eyes narrowed. He turned his entire body towards the man.

"What the hell do you mean? What man?" Danzel questioned. His voice was harsh as he spoke. The guard was taken back to the sudden change of the King's voice.

"You…Your uncle. They were talking and even left the room when you held the party." Danzel's eyes narrowed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this entire war a plot to get rid him? Danzel wouldn't put it passed his uncle.

"I have something I need to do." Danzel walked out of the courtyard and into the castle. He needed to find Joseph. He had to talk to him about the new information he had just received.

Danzel was lucky that he had found the man. He was in the church praying to God about the safety of all their people, and to have him watch over them all. It was the same church that Danzel had married Jaysa in. It was located in the castle in the far back. It was nice to have the church here when there were private matters. Joseph was on his knees as he prayed. Danzel walked into the church and waited quietly until the man finished his prayer. Joseph did the sign of the cross on his chest and said amen. He stood up and turned around. He noticed Danzel standing in the aisle of the church.

"Sire. What brings you to the church?"

"I am not here for the church. I am here to find you." Joseph cocked his head to the side. "I have some new information that I need to go over with you.

The two men had made their way to the familiar room to speak of the new information that Danzel had. Danzel leaned against the table and explained the conversation that he had with the guard. Joseph listened to the entire thing nodded every now and then. He now understood what was going on.

"Your highness. You do realize that this is trap right?" Joseph spoke once Danzel finished talking.

"I was thinking the same thing. That makes sense to why he would suddenly call for war when he was acting as he was at the party."

"So this is another plan for your uncle to get rid of you." Danzel nodded. "So, because all of his attempts before failed. He decided to bring in someone else. To have come up with a scheme like this. The man is desperate."

"I agree with you fully." Danzel sighed. He wasn't sure whether he should complete with the war or not. What if the King of Kortanel had agreed to something like that because he wanted to take over Mizulopa? Danzel's thoughts wondered. There would be no reason why another Kingdom would demand war for another. Even if it was plot that was made by someone else. There had to be another reason for it.

"Sire. What are you planning on doing now? Should we still go to war knowing that it's a trap to obliterate you from the world?" Danzel looked at the floor. He knew that what he was doing was stupid. Even if it's a trap on his uncle's side. He wasn't sure the intentions of the King Aiden. Danzel pushed himself off of the table and looked up at Joseph.

"We are still going to go to war. No matter what. Even if this is a trap, we can't just brush it off. We need to find out the reason why King Aiden is even aiding my uncle in the first place." Danzel walked over to Joseph and laid a hand on the older man's shoulder. "If you can. I want you by my side. I would like you to keep God's graces in our Kingdom and people as we fight to protect our home."

"Yes Sire. I will always be by your side." The man bowed his head in respect. Danzel smiled gently at the man.

"I need to get the preparations ready. So I will take my leave now." Joseph nodded his head and watched as the young man walked out of the room.

I pray that everything goes well.