Chapter 169

A week and half had passed. The day had finally come. He was going to go to war and protect things that were important to him. He was beyond nervous. He knew though, he couldn't show such an emotion around his people. He was going to be the strength to this army that he was now going to be carrying on his shoulders.

Danzel made his way over to his horse. Jaysa looked at her husband. The outfit he wore; she had never seen before. His outfit was a velvety navy tunic. Her couldn't help but laugh in her head. The man loved blue. On front of his tunic showed their crest for Mizulopa. It was red crest that had what looked like waves going in a circle to the middle. The sleeves he wore were chainmail and so was his cowl neck. She knew that it would keep him from getting hurt during the battles. The chainmail was covered by gloves that went up to his elbow. Danzel wore blue tight pants that also hidden under black boots that were knee high. A belt was strapped around his waist. It held a sword that was sheathed to his side. On top of his head, his crown was placed on his head. It wasn't the same one he wore on the throne. However, it still showed his status with several stones of red, green, and blue throughout the crown.

"So you are really going." Jaysa spoke to her husband. He was reaching for the reins when he heard his wife speak out. Turning around, he saw her standing behind him. She had her fingers intertwined laying by her stomach. Her head was facing the ground, but her eyes were focused on him. He knew that she was worried about leaving. Walking over to his wife, he grabbed her chin with his fingers and pulled her into a kiss. Several of the men around them chuckled at the sudden romance that was happening in front of them. He broke the kiss. Jaysa's eyes were sparkling. He couldn't tell if it was because of the kiss or if it was the tears that were threatening to fall.

"I will be back. Trust me." He whispered to Jaysa.

"How long will you be gone?" Jaysa questioned. Danzel glanced to the side and back to her.

"I'm not sure. I want to find out why King Aiden is working with my uncle. Once I expose their treachery. I will come back home." Danzel had updated Jaysa about everything that him and Joseph had spoken about. She would love to be able to expose that man for who he really was. If this helped out, she was all for it. However, she didn't want them to go to war either. She didn't want any more people to die due to actions of Danzel's uncle.

"I hope that everything works out and that you find the proof you are looking for before anyone loses their lives unnecessarily."

"Oh I will. Don't worry about that okay." Danzel leaned in again and kissed Jaysa on the lips.

"You better be right." Jaysa spoke back. Danzel grinned.

"Sire." A man spoke out. Jaysa turned to look at the man. It was Franken.

So he is going. Jaysa thought to herself.

"Yes. I am coming." Danzel responded. Danzel knew he would have to bring Franken with him. He was the leader of the guards and even helped train his people into learning how to fight in such a short time. He knew not to trust the man. However, he was a good man to have by his side. For now, anyway. Danzel said his goodbyes and headed back to his horse. He got up on the saddle. "Don't worry my love. I will be back in no time." Danzel spoke as he lightly nudged the horse making the animal move. Jaysa stayed back as she watched the men leave.

"Don't worry your highness. We will be back soon. I will make sure that his highness is safe throughout our trip." Jaysa looked up at Joseph. She smiled gently to that man.

"I would appreciate that." Joseph dipped his head. Turning to see the others heading out. Joseph said his goodbyes and left.

Soon it was silent. She no longer saw or heard the horses or men. They were all gone. Her husband was gone to protect the Kingdom. Jaysa clapped her hands together.

"Okay girl. Even with Danzel gone. We need to still keep our head up." Jaysa turned to head back into the castle.

Danzel and his army had been riding for a day and half. They wanted to get to the Kortanel quickly as possible. It was a little over a week's ride from Mizulopa. Leaving Mizulopa, the men were hit with harsh desert lands. Many men wore a long hooded cape to hide their body from the blazing sun that shone down upon their bodies. Danzel could tell that his men were becoming restless. They needed a break. He knew that as well. They were able to snack on food that were stored in bags which were on their horses. The drank for a bottle that held water to quench their thirst. Danzel though knew they would have to rest soon. He found what looked like a good spot that was coming up. There were several large boulders large enough to hold several of his men. The only thing he was worried about what when the night hit. They have ridden through the first night allowing their body moving and keeping warm. This was going to be their first time sitting down during the night.

"Men! We will rest here!" Danzel yelled he pointed at the area he was talking about. The words he spoke were passed down. This would also be a good time to think about what they are planning on doing as well.