Chapter 171

The men in the tent all agreed to what was being told to them. Danzel was almost relieved that he didn't have any conflicts with the Lieutenant. He actually agreed with the way that he had planned out the strategy of the plan. There were a couple of times that Franken would speak up and tell him about something that may not have worked out. If the man was not an ally to uncle. He would the best right hand man. Danzel could only speak in If's due to knowing where the man's true loyalty stood.

Danzel pulled the flap back on the tent and made his way inside. He was exhausted. He and his men should relax for the short time that they had and get some major rest. Danzel walked over to a small stool that was in the corner. He sat down with his legs stretched out in front of him. He wished that he was not out her on this deadly mission. He wanted to be back at home. He wanted to see Jaysa. A smile spread across his face. Danzel realized that this was the first time that they have been way from each other for such a long time. He really did miss her. He wanted to hurry and go back to her. When he finally gets home, he's going to love her all day and night to the point she passes out. He hugged himself. He felt so lonely right now thinking about that. His hands fell down onto his legs. He stared at the top of the tent.

Soon. Soon I will get this all taken care of and come home to you and our child. Danzel straightened himself up and reached own for boots. Wanting to rest his sore legs from the tight leather, Danzel grabbed the helm of the boot and pushed it down.

"Sire. May I come in." A voice was heard from the outside of the tent. Danzel let go of the boot and looked up to the entrance. By the sound of the voice, Danzel knew it was Franken.

What would he want? Danzel questioned himself. "Yes. Come in." Franken moved the flap out of his way. Danzel leaned in his chair. His arms rested on his legs. His hands intertwined together.

"Sire." Franken bowed his head in respect.

"What is it that you want? I am tired, and would like to rest." Danzel spoke to the man. He showed the man his irritation of being disturbed.

"Sire. I understand that you are tired from the riding. However, there is something that I need to tell you." Danzel straightened up his body.

"And what is that?" Danzel asked. Franken looked to the side for a moment and then back at Danzel.

"I am fully aware that you don't trust me in the least." Danzel's eyes narrowed. "And I can fully understand why you don't want to trust a word that I say to you. However, there is something of deep import ants that I think that you should know."

"And what is that?" Danzel asked again. He was unsure what the man was trying to say.

"I know everything that your uncle had done. I know have been by his side through everything that he had done. The evil deeds that he asked of me to do as well." Danzel glared at the man. "I am sure that you know that this is a trap that was also made by your uncle, and you are right." Danzel began to growl at the man. Anger was raising in his body. "I really did believe that your uncle should be the man that held the crown. However, I have begun to have a different opinion about that. Every time your uncle did something to you. You have always come out much stronger than before. I stayed at the sidelines and watch you grow. I have heard all the negative things that your uncle had said about you. However, I soon realized that he was wrong. With each thing that should have knocked a man to the ground and beg for help. You did not." Danzel listened quietly to the man as he spoke. "I finally realized that the person that was becoming weaker was your uncle. He became weaker as you became stronger. That's when I realized that you were the true King that should, no deserves to be on the throne. I am sure that you would become a large threat to those that think they can push you around. Your uncle must have thought the same thing. And that was why he tried to get rid of you. He wasn't able to. So he came up with the worst possible scheme he could think about."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Danzel questioned the man. Did he think that if he spilled everything about his uncle to him, that he would forgive him right away?

"I saw you talking with the Priest, and that was what got my confusion that I had about you become clear. I want to fully give you my loyalty this time. I don't want to be part of that man's evil deeds anymore." Danzel folded his arms and crossed his legs.

"Do you think that telling me all of this. Do you really think that I would just say 'okay, I will now forgive you for everything that you have done to me?' Because if that's what you think, that's not going to happen." Franken moved his eyes to the ground and then back at the young King.

"I understand this That is why I am going to tell you much more of what the trap intel's." Franken responded. Danzel raised an eyebrow while scowling at the man.

"What do you mean. Isn't this a trap to try to get rid of him." Danzel started to chuckle. "As you said. Every plan that that idiot had come up with was backfired or foiled in one way or another."

"That was not the real plan actually." Danzel's eyes narrowed at the man.

"Then what was the plan?" Danzel hissed through his teeth as he spoke in a slow manner.

"He wanted to separate you from the ones you loved."

Jaysa! Danzel's eyes went wide. He pushed himself onto his feet and stepped closer to the man. "What is he planning to do to my family?" Danzel growled.