Chapter 172

"The plan was to get you far away and have your focus on the war while he got rid of some nuisance that were in his way." Danzel grabbed the man's collar.

"He is going to kill Jaysa?" Danzel yelled at the man. Franken nodded.

"Her and that child as well." Danzel's face went pale. He couldn't believe that this was the man's plan all along. He pushed the man away from him. The man stumbled backwards before finally getting his balance. Danzel glared at the man in front of him. He turned and grabbed the cape he wore and pushed past the man, exiting the tent. "Sire! Where are you going?" Franken yelled.

"Where do you think I am going?" Danzel ran over to his horse that had his reins tied to a stake that was hammered into the ground.

"Sire. I think that you will need more people with you than just yourself." Danzel grabbed the reins and saddled his horse. He grabbed a bag that he filled with some food and water. He needed to hurry back.

"Your highness. Where are you going?" Joseph ran over to the young King. Danzel finished fixing the saddle and pulled himself up onto the horse.

"I'm going back to Mizulopa." Danzel replied.

"What do you mean that you're going back?" Joseph spoke in confusion. Danzel looked down at Franken.

"You can ask this man about it." Danzel spoke to Joseph. "Yah!" He yelled as he whipped the reins making the horse bust into a running pace.

"You highness." Joseph spoke as he watched the man ride off into the night. He turned to look at Franken. "What is going on?"

Two and a half days have passed since Danzel had left. It felt weird not having her husband around her all the time. This was the first time that she hadn't seen the man. It was nice at times. However, she felt lonely when she was by herself. She looked down at the small baby in her arms. The child was the only thing that was keeping her calm. Well, Madison would try her best to. However, she was not always with her though. So when she was alone, she was cuddling with the small child to brush away any feeling of feeling alone.

"Your daddy is out there fighting to protect us from harm." Jaysa spoke to the small infant in her arm. The small child reached for her. She allowed the child to grab her finger and hold on it. She smiled at the infant. I hope that the war won't last that long and that he can come back home to us. Jaya's stomach began to growl. She had couldn't really eat anything during lunch today. Her mind was more on Danzel and hoping that he is fine. She forced herself to eat as much as she could before she felt she couldn't eat anymore. Which was not much at all. Her was full, but not of food. It was all worry.

Jaysa walked down the halls. She would just stop at the kitchen and pick something up to snack on. Jaysa glanced down at the small baby in her arm. The boy had been really quiet. The child would sleep more than before. Only time the little one would stir was when he was hungry or needed a diaper change. That was it. It was quite nice. Jaysa was trying to put the child onto a sleeping schedule so that way she and Danzel could finally sleep more than just a couple of hours a night. It was starting to work so far.

"Oh, your highness." A voice spoke out. Jaysa looked up and say Martin standing in front of her.

"Oh hello." Jaysa spoke back at the man.

"Where are you going?" Martin questioned the young Queen.

"I am hungry, so I am going to the kitchen to get something to eat." Jaysa replied. She didn't want to be anywhere near this man. Every time that she was around him. She felt her stomach tighten with disgust. Danzel told Jaysa while he was gone, to stay away from the Martin at any cost. Even without him saying anything like that to her. She didn't want to be around him at all. Especially alone. Even though Danzel left with several of his guards, he still left several her for her to be safe if anything happened. She knew that even if there were people here to protect her. Didn't mean that she should lower her guard around the man at all.

"I noticed that you haven't been eating much for the past couple of days. Are you really that worried about your husband?" Martin questioned the young woman.

"Of course!" Jaysa retorted. "What kind of wife would I be if I didn't worry about the man I love." Jaysa spoke out to the man.

"What a loving young couple. I am sure that my nephew things the same thing as well." Martin wore a grin as he spoke.

"You should also be worried about him as well. He is your nephew after all. Martin chuckled at Jaysa.

"I don't have to worry about my nephew. He has so many people there to protect him. So there is no reason to worry." Jaysa was getting irritated talking to the man. She decided that this time was a best time to leave the man now. She started to walk around the man. Something caught her eye. There was a man behind Martin. He was a guards, but there was something wrong. He was on the floor and he wasn't moving.