Chapter 173

"What the…" Jaysa slowly backed away tightening the hold on her baby.

"Oh." Martin spoke out in surprise. He turned to look at what was behind him. "Did you just notice him." Martin turned to Jaysa with a grin on his face. He slowly started to unsheathe his sword. Jaysa saw the once silver blade stained in only what could be blood. He held the blade in front of his face. "My nephew is pretty stupid."

"What… What have you done?" Jaysa questioned the man. Martin cocked his head to the side.

"What have I done? It's more of what have you done?" His grin turned into scowl and his eyes narrowed at the young woman. "It is your fault. You have caused all these issues. If you would've been a good little girl and drank that poison I gave you, then we wouldn't be having this issue right now."

"Why is it that you hate me so much?" Jaysa yelled at the man.

"Hate?" The man started to laugh out loud. "You think I am doing this because I hate you?" The man laughed even harder.

"Are you saying that that's not the reason?" Jaysa questioned. The man calmed down and tilted his head to the side. His eyes staring right into hers.

"I don't hate you. I wouldn't have mattered who it was. This would've happened to anyone that married my nephew." Jaysa was confused. What was he trying to do? Protect Danzel? Martin straightened his head and pointed at Jaysa. "You just happened to be the poor whore that married my nephew."

"Are you trying to protect your nephew? Is that why?" Martin narrowed his eyes.

"Protect. No. You have it all wrong. I don't want to protect him. I want him gone from this world."

Wait. Does he mean? "What are you trying to say?" Martin chuckled.

"You are a smart woman. I'm saying, I wish him death." Jaysa took a step back.

"Why?" Jaysa questioned the man.

"The reason." Martin closed his eyes and chuckled a little. The chuckling stopped and the man became serious. "Because he stole what was mine!" Martin yelled out. "I was able to get rid of my stupid brother and his wife. I finally had the crown, but not for long. Danzel was the true heir to the throne. I didn't want to kill the young child. I just had to stop him from getting married by his eighteenth birthday."

If he didn't marry when he was eighteen. He wouldn't be able to become king. Jaysa thought to herself.

"So I told him about women. Things he could never ask anyone else about to see if it was true or not. He believed everything that I was telling him. I wanted him to hate women. I wanted him to not want have anything to do with women. But of course, he didn't listen to me completely. He had that damn priest that was by his side.

"Joseph." Jaysa spoke. The man scowled at the name, but continued talking.

"He began questioning what I was telling him. He started to deny the things that I have told him due to that man." Martin clicked his tongue. Jaysa thought back to when they had first met. Danzel did say things about her that were rude because she was a female, and now it made sense to her. "But my plan of him not marrying was backfired. He found you. He was interested in you. He had to have you." Martin scowled again.

"But I didn't—"

"He took what was mine! I was supposed to become King! Me! Not my brother! Not my nephew! Me!" Martin yelled at the young woman.

Jaysa didn't do really anything to get his attention. He just wanted to have someone that was not like all the other women. She just happened to be what he was looking for as someone that wouldn't kiss his ass all the time. He found that interesting and thought that they would be good entertainment. However, that did change to the two falling in love. Jaysa highly doubted that Martin ever thought that Danzel and her would fall in love in the end. "So now my plans had changed one more time." Jaysa looked up the man.

"What had changed." Martin turned the sword towards Jaysa.

"I will need to get rid of you and that thing in your arms." Jaysa brought her child closer to her chest. "When Danzel comes back. I will tell him that you were murdered by an assassin from another Kingdom."

"I highly doubt that he would believe such a lie." Martin chuckled.

"He won't have proof that I have done it. And by the time he comes back. Your body will already be rotting in the dirt somewhere." Jaysa couldn't believe what the man was saying.

"Then what about Danzel? What are you going to do to him?" Jaysa yelled.

"Oh don't worry dear. I already know that I won't have to tell that man anything. He will be dead on the battle field." The man broke out into laughter again. "As if I would allow that man to even come back. So there is no reason for me to even talk to him. I have this all planned out. I will kill you and that child and tell everyone that it was an enemy that came in. And my poor nephew will be killed on the battle field. I made sure that he would not be able to return. So you thinking that he will be coming back was a complete lie. I guess I just wanted to give you some hope that your Prince would come and get revenge on you." The man calmed down. "Even if for some slim change that Danzel did make it back. I will give the same story about the assassin. He can't do anything about it." The man brought the sword back up to his chest. "But then I would have to do the deed, and that would be a shame." Martin titled his head to the side and with a wide eyes expression he asked. "Are you ready to die?" Jaysa took several steps backwards until she turned and started to run with the child clutched tightly in her chest.

"I have to get away from the man. I have to find someone to help me."

"Oh dear." Martin spoke out. "You do realize that the change makes the hunt so much better." Martin started to take steps towards the direction that Jaysa had ran.