Chapter 175

Madison reached her destination. She heard noise coming from inside the room. It was the sound of women speaking. Madison took a breath and made her way inside the room.

"Is there something I can help you with?" An older woman spoke out. Madison turned to look at the woman. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Help me. Jaysa. She needs help. We need help." Madison started to sob. The older woman was confused to what the young girl was talking about.

"What is going on? Is the Queen alright?" The older woman asked. Madison shook her head. The older woman looked down and noticed the small baby in the young teens arms.

"Jaysa. She… He's going to kill her." Madison cried.

"Who? What? What's going on? Who is going to kill who?" The maid walked up to Madison. "I don't understand what you are saying."

"Martin. He's going to kill Jaysa. He killed several men already." Madison explained in tears. "He is going to kill her. He's going to…" Madison repeated the words. She didn't want that to happen. She wanted to save Jaysa. Yet, there was no way she could. She could only try to protect the child in her arms.

"Are you sure you are not having a bad dream or something?" The maid questioned. Madison shook her head.

"No. I saw the blood dripping off his blade. He was calling out for Jaysa. She told me to take Thelonius and find someone to save us. I went to an area that had some guards. But they were all dead. So I ran here. Please! Help. Please!" Madison cried at the older woman. "We need to call for help. He need."

"Little child! Where are you? Uncle Martin is looking for you." Martin's voice echoed from down the hall. Madison felt her body stiffen in fright. The older woman looked at the door and back at Madison.

This is not something the child would make up. Her features are showing everything that she is feeling. And she is scared to death. Madison's eyes were wide and she was biting her lip. She was holding the baby so tightly that she thought it would've actually hurt the child.

"Please! Save us." Madison begged. The maid looked at the other women.

"We need to save these children." Two maids made their way over to a carpeted area. They lifted up a piece of the cloth and revealed a hidden hatch. "Get in here. Stay quiet. He will see what we can do. We will get him to leave. Once he's gone we will call for help okay. Madison nodded. She wanted to protect the infant that Jaysa asked her to save. Madison crawled into the small space and the darkness hit her once the hatch was closed. She heard the rug being placed back on top.

"Your highness. What are you doing here?" Madison heard a voice. She expected it to be the older woman.

"I'm looking for a little girl. Have you by chance seen her?" Madison felt her heart beat increasing. She needed to calm down. There would be no reason why she was hiding if she was found due to making noise. Madison tried to calm herself down. She tried her best to think of what she would do once the man leaves. Who could she go to? There was a loud noise that hit the floor. Madison gasped when she heard it.

What happened? Madison questioned herself.

"Fucking piece of shit." She heard the man curse.

Did he just… Madison could hear the sounds of boots walking above her. There were no other sounds. Where did all the women go? She listened to hear if there was anyone that was still up there besides the man. Sounds of slamming were heard. He was doing something above her.

"Where the fuck did she go." He heard the man curse her. "Once I get my hands on both of those children. She will wish she's dead." Madison's breathing quickened in fear. She needed to be quiet. She put her hand over her mouth trying to mask the sounds that were coming out of her mouth. She heard the man walking around for a moment longer. The sound of the man clicking his tongue was heard. He was probably upset due to not able to find her. She stayed as quiet as she could. The sounds of the man's boots where becoming shallow and soon Madison couldn't hear them at all. What am I going to do? Madison questioned herself. That's all that were going through her head. They were all just questioned. She had to get out of here. She needed to get out of her fast. She waited several minutes before trying to get out. She wanted to make sure that the man was truly gone. Feeling that is was safe, Madison pushed up on the hatch open with one hand. She couldn't get it to budge. She placed the baby onto the floor and then tried again. Using all of her strength. She was finally able get it open. The rug fell backwards and Madison looked in the room. Tears formed again in her eyes. There were several women lying on the floor. She started to sob. Putting both hands on her mouth, she began to cry. She didn't want anyone hurt. The woman said she would help her out but she now lay on the floor. Madison bent down to pick up the child into her arms. Crawling out of the hiding space, the young teen made one last glance around the area. She didn't want to believe that something like this had happened. She didn't want to believe. The young girl made her way over to the entrance. Listening for any noise, she heard none. Making her way out of the kitchen, she knew now that no one in the castle was able to help her. She needed someone from the outside. She needed someone from the town to help her. Madison goal was to make it to the front door of the castle and out to the village.