Chapter 176

Jaysa ran down the hallway. She clutched to the small blanket in her hands. She knew that Martin was after not only her but her baby as well. She had just handed the child over to Madison. Jaysa couldn't help but feel worried for the two. Were they found? Was the man only chasing here. She wanted him to chase her. She wanted to keep the two young children safe from whatever the psychotic man had in plan for them. The young woman ran as fast as her feet would allow her to. She had made several turns again in the hallway. She turned behind her and didn't hear the man at all.

Is he still behind me? Is he still chasing me? Jaysa thought to herself. Slowing down, the young woman began to catch her breath. She was exhausted. Jaysa hadn't ran this much in her life. Falling backwards and hitting the wall, Jaysa slowly sank to the floor. She began to sob. She didn't want to be in this kind of predicament. This fight had nothing to do with her. Martin was mad at Danzel for taking something he believed was his. It was not his to begin with. If the God's wanted him to become King. They would've. However, since they did not. Then it meant he was not supposed to hold the crown. "Danzel," Jaysa sobbed into the blanket. She wanted him here with her. She needed him here with her. This was another plan of his. He wanted them to be separated. He wanted to make sure that no one got in his way. The man actually thought this one through. Jaysa was beyond terrified. She had a feeling that Danzel would not make it back. And if he did make it back. Would she be here to welcome him back? Will she be able to stay with him in this life? She didn't want this to end. She didn't.

"I found you kitten." Jaysa looked up at the man that stood several feet from her. She didn't even hear him walk up. She was so far in thought that she didn't even hear him. Jaysa pulled herself up the wall and glared at the man. The man scowled. "Where the fuck did that child go?" Jaysa looked down at the blanket. The man clicked his tongue and then smirked at the woman. "I well. I will find that child and kill child. I thought I would at least be nice and let mother and child die together. Isn't that what a mother would like right? To be by their child when they take their last breath?"

"You will not touch my son! I won't allow you." Jaysa yelled at the man. Martin started to laugh.

"Oh really. You are going to stop me?" The man questioned mockingly. "You can't even protect yourself, let only a child." Jaysa knew she wouldn't be able to. That was why she handed over. Jaysa looked around. She saw some doors and ran over to them. She pulled them open and ran inside, slamming the doors shut behind her. There was no way to lock the doors. She thought it would allow her some extra time if she was able to lock the door. However, the plan failed. She ran down the aisle. She realized where she was. It was the church. She ran to the alter. Looked up at the giant cross that stood in front of her. "Oh, well isn't this perfect." Jaysa turned to see Martin making his way down the aisle. He held his dried bloody sword to his side as he made his way slowly to her. "You ran all the way to the church. You planning on praying for the God to save you? Is that it. You can pray all you want. But God wouldn't do anything to protect you. Your life is now over."

"Please." Jaysa begged. "Please. You don't have to do this." The man snorted.

"You don't understand a thing." The man stopped in front of Jaysa. "You are the reason that I become like this."

"But I didn't do anything." Jaysa cried out. Martin glared at the woman while titling his head to the side.

"You still think that you did nothing. I told you what you did." Martin yelled.

"But you said that it didn't matter who it was." Martin grinned.

"Yeah that's true. But what I am saying is. It's your fault that you married my nephew. Because if you didn't. This wouldn't be happening to you." Jaysa tried to get away from the man. She turned to run up to the cross. She could make a roundabout and get away. She ran up the steps, but suddenly lost her footing. She tried to get up, but was stopped by Martin. He grabbed her leg and flipped her onto back.

"Please." Tears were falling from her face. She couldn't get away.

"I want you to say hi to my nephew when you see him on the other side." Martin spoke. A grin was on his face and eyes were wide with murder intent. He left up his sword about his head while he started at the crying woman. "Goodbye."

This is the end of book 1 of Caged. I am going to take a few months break and come back in Jan 2024. I really hope everyone is enjoying this book as much as I am enjoying writing it. Have a wonderful day and see you again in a couple of months. ^_^