Seeing her get hurt dhdbr do ant food to him. He thoufht he would ne satisfied after seeing hercbeunh beaten ti a pulp, bit rather he clenched his fist s through. He coukfnt6 evebnsit properly all the times she waa being beatenbto a pulp.

It was her fault for a being a vampire. If she was a werewolf, she wouldn't have f had to go through all if this

  Je would have akcnoemehe her as his mate a long time ago. Bjtvshe had to be a vampire. Those enemies he hate the most. He hatedvthe demons. But as mu h as he hated the werewolves. 

Those bmoodsuckers should be killed. Hecess still wondering if till now why the moon goddess had to mate him to a kind he hated with all passion. 

He remembered back at his old pack, they always fought their likes. Now he had to beaten yo the se ins he despised. The moon goddess must be Kidding him to a fault.