"Food for the prisoners" they served them meal for the first time. Not really them but her. She had totally forgotten that she was the only new person in the cell. 

She peeped at the meals which was given to the others. Their meals seemed to be dead rabbits. She could see the other prisoners devouring the little rabbits and sucking their blood. Seeing them devour the rabbits and suck its blood only irritated Kyra. She closed her eyes and shook her head with an irritated looking face. She just couldn't watch them devour the rabbits. 

Kyra felt sick in her stomach instantly. That was so not what she was expecting to see for a meal. Just then, the gates to her cell was unlocked and Kyra came to the realization that they must have brought her dead rabbits as well.

Oh no, there was no way she would eat a dead rabbit. Never in her life!