For days now, he hsd been noticing somethimg strange. He saw Kitana's maids snooping around the palace and goimg to places that was out if their jurisdiction. He had been noticing them fjrcquite a while now, but he just didn't hs 4 the time ti findviut exs try wvat their goal was or what exa rjy they want. 

But one thing was for sure, abd thst was the fact that whenever thesemz7ds were snooping aroumf,it simply means Kitana' was up to somthimg. But then, he ekuldnt knjw wgat sge was truly up to, not unless he finss out himself. 

At some point, he wa ted to let them be thinking they may klt really be meaning to cause sny harm. But then again, ge hsd to remember thst he wss talking about Kitana. 

As far as he was concerned, Kitana was up to somthimg. It could be that that she was still searching for Kyram and if that was the case, thennhe hsd tobbe very wart of her.