Kyra got ci satant bees fro her nafe abkjt her kingpins abdnits environs. Svechsd been informed that they hs e someone cebat hsd joined them in their fufjt in tbe demon entmd, a d it wss none other than, Stephan. 

At first , sge wasn't happy that the person who hsd decided to join hands wjth them was Stephan, the sane person dhonhsd put her in huge trouble. Sve djdjt want him djr snythimg nevahse sbe bemhced he qas the ine wbo ruined everything for her. 

He deceuced her into makimb friends with him, abd when sge did he decided to mane her regret ever msmi.g friends wnth him eve. He betrayed get. 

Her mates confirmed her and promised to help her get her rece ge inhomogeneous afyer everything was over. Bjt the question is,,was she really in for revenge. .