Chapter 16

I walk to work (I really need to just get a car)

and I start to go through the day. My manager was acting like a helicopter with infrared today. I had to work the window AND the register while she did fries.

Thankfully Tuesday afternoons are pretty dead indoors.

For about 5 hours I slave away at the window, it wasn't that busy today but it was just boring. In the final stretch a very familiar face comes...

I'm guessing Freedom's dad is on a lunch break or something, I know he works as a higher up for some company in Texas in the Honshu branch. The man came up to the window. I may have met him many times before but knowing who he is now, makes him stick out like a sore thumb and makes him very memorable.

"Oh you workin? At least you got a job. Respect. Why weren't you in school today though." he said.

"My throat was sore this morning and I didn't feel like going." I told him.

"You got good grades?"

"1 C, 2Bs and an A sir."

"Eh good enough and ya don't gotta call me sir. Call me Mr. Nqaxombo."

"Here's your food Mr., I'll practice your last name later." I told him.

"Alright boy." He said.

Man I feel like I've met him before. Since I do do the window on Tuesdays sometimes.

Maybe the 12.5% of me that's cuban from my mom will come out and help me pronounce his name. They speak fast right? Man that's gonna take a while. The clicks were so natural to him when saying his name.

Man idk I've already met her dad. I think she said her mom's Dutch-English (which would explain her blue eyes and dirty blonde hair). I wonder how she's like.

Oh yeah she gotta meet my Dad too.

After about 45 minutes work ends...

I walk home and just melt on the couch. Dad just got back and he already prepped for the game. He already invited Kailani. He made like 25 chicken wings, but the whole wing. So it was more like 55 ish wings (including the nice little crispy parts at the end).

The game starts at 8 pm though so I have time to do whatever until then. I REALLY feel like inviting Freedom over but I don't want it to be awkward so I text her for a bit instead.

I also text Lisa and Dvonte and Kaido for a bit too. Josh also asks if we could work out on Saturday. Yknow normal stuff.

Nothing really significant happens. Tokyo gets absolutely curbstomped by Phoenix. Wasn't even a contest. 103-133 was absolutely an insane loss. Phoenix and LA are the only teams with women since the P.B.A. doesn't ban women from joining a team. If a woman gets drafted she gets drafted. Phoenix has 3 women on their team. Their point guard, their left wing, and their 3-point bot are all very skilled women. The Hippos also have a woman on their team too since the P.F.L doesn't ban women either as long as they get drafted. Our star quarterback is Alekzandrya Mahomes. That was a random fact that probably wasn't really necessary. Thank you ADHD.

Well around 11 pm I conked out full from wings. My dad makes absolutely insane curry wings. I'm so full man XD.

The next day...