Chapter 17

It's Wednesday (did you expect the frog joke?). I gotta leave at 6:30 am so I can take my unit exam in Calculus by 7. I wake up at 5 am.

I leave for school and get coffee and make it to school around 6:50. Thankfully my math teacher is always at school early.

I take my unit exam, it's a scanned test so I got my results within 1 minute. It was surprisingly a B. I was also surprised that I did it in 30 minutes. Must have been the multiple choice. Freedom had an actual migraine today instead of a wake up headache and she ran out of her medication so she was absent today. She sent me a text about it today.

I decide to call her after school, nothing significant really happened at school today. I don't work on Wednesday normally but my manager said she'd pay me time and a half if I worked today for 4 hours. I tell my dad and then agree. 132 dollars for only 4 hours of work anyone would do if they were broke honestly, and today is the deadest day of the week so only Sakaki and I would be working (she works everyday 8 hours a day, she's such a Stacy. Good for her lol I can't XD).

When I went to work I did nothing for 3 hours and 45 minutes. Besides like 15 customers we really didn't do jack today. Friday to Monday is when it's busy. Lisa's off on Wednesday too so she decided to pick up some food at the end of my shift.

"Yo how are you man?" she asks.

"I'm alright, how are you holding up?" I reply.

"Both amazing and meh at the same time. My cousin's in jail, but she gets what she deserves, still feels surreal. On the bright side me and Dvonte are official! We're going on a date tonight and would like to know if you and Freedom would wanna come with."

"I would love to but Freedom's got a migraine, she's recovering, her prescription doesn't come in til tomorrow."

"That's a rip. Oh well. Are y'all official yet?"

"Not yet, but I met her dad while we were on a video call."

"How did that go? Also, why aren't you official? Y'all seem to really like each other. You pushed me and now I'm pushing you."

"Thanks Lisa, and surprisingly it went well. Oh yeah your order. You getting what you always do?"

"Nah, I feel like getting the Legendary Curly Fry Guacamole Asada Burrito and a Diet Joke. No ghost chili salsa this time."

"Adventurous I see, It'll be 13 bucks."

"Aight. Here."

3 minutes later...

"Aight here you go, see ya my friend."

"See ya Denshi."

I probably should make it official with Freedom, we both like each other. Also dang I forgot to Invite Lisa and Dvonte to Bowling night next Saturday.

My shift ends and then I go home. I just chill. I never do my homework since I never get any. My school district is one of those progressive schools that bans homework. Very chad move superintendent. Very chad...