Chapter 26

Melbourne is an interesting city to say the least, crocodiles are rare, I know Freedom wanted to wrestle one. But there are so many bunnies everywhere, it's crazy. Rabbit burger places are everywhere because of how many bunnies are there. Like they get run over all the time it's kinda scary just how many bunnies there are in Melbourne. In Australia in general, nothing helps this problem, and they all like humans. They even sell bunny spray to keep them away.

We go try it because why not? It's 10 pm and we're starving.

"Dang, I didn't know those cute little bunnies would be so delicious." Freedom said with one of the most satisfied faces I've ever seen.

"Me neither." I replied.

"So where's our hotel?" she asked.

"Like 1 street down from here."


Since this IS Australia, it is legal to drink alcohol at 18, like most of the world. We buy a 4 pack of Quinness beers to drink at the hotel at a corner store next to it.

We were able to get a 2-bed room so it was fine.

"Man this hotel is nice." Freedom said.

"Indeed. Should we drink our first beers now?" I ask.

"Let's do it!"

"Man that's nasty! People drink this crap?"

"It's not the worst thing I've drank, better than Stepsi."

"That is true."

We finish our first beer. We didn't get drunk but we didn't bother to drink our seconds.

We go to sleep on our beds...

When I wake up, Freedom is holding on to me when she's sleeping. I know she sleeps with a body pillow, I guess she forgot it.

When I get up she gets surprised.

"Did we..." She said terrified.

"Nah. You sleep walked to my bed and started hugging me, want to go buy a body pillow?" I reply.

"We probably should." she replied.

We got ready first though, it was quick. We drank the other two beers since the four pack was like 8 bucks so you know, gotta at least do that.

We go to breakfast, we asked a local what the best breakfast spot is nearby. He recommended that we go to the Hunter Grill, it's like Australia's version of Lenny's I think he said, but everything is local besides produce.

We go to eat there and everything, I mean EVERYTHING is rabbit or snake. The bunny problem is so bad now, that they just repopulate everywhere and so rabbit meat is dirt cheap. Rabbit sausage, Rabbit Burgers, Rabbit in the biscuits and gravy, Rabbit everything. And there are snakes everywhere too from what I can tell. I think they introduced more snakes to eat the rabbits, but it's not working.

"Are reptiles and rabbits the only things y'all eat in Australia?" Freedom asked.

"Nowadays we do. It wasn't like this 40 years ago." The old waiter said.

After our meal, we went to buy a bodypillow for Freedom. Then we went back to the hotel since the Superbowl was today. We bought canned wine to try (I mean the next time we get to drink alcohol is in 3 years, might as well find out what tastes good) and a couple 2 liters of Diet Joke just in case it's nasty. And ordered... Rabbit pizza. Gotta get the full Australia experience y'know?

Then the game started around 3:30...