Chapter 27

Today is the Superbowl. The Hippos and Jags are playing each other. We drink our alcohol (still not drunk or buzzed let's go! Even though like 8 cans of the 12 pack are left but still!)

"Man wine is good. But I hate that hand sanitizer smell you get after drinking it." I said.

"Honestly same. I'm surprised we're not drunk. Let's save these for tomorrow though." Freedom replied.

The game was great, the pizzas were great. This was both teams' first Superbowl.

In the first quarter, Mahomes did something insane, she yeeted the ball 3/4 the way across the field, the receiver had like 3 guys on him, and he still caught it and got a touchdown. She really is like her dad.

The Jags' quarterback was very smart though. He was able to even the playing field to 14-14 by halftime. The ads were funny. It was getting to be a good game.

We decided to do what any young couple would do if their team was in the Superbowl, feed each other and make out. So that's what we did during the whole halftime show.

After an hour, it got into overtime. About ten years ago, overtime rules were changed to be rock paper scissors out of 3.

The Jags won that. We thought we were gonna lose, but we intercept the ball, but then the opposing defense went crazy and kept us out of field goal range, so we punted and it made it to the 1 yard line. We intercepted again at the center. Then overtime ran out, but a tie never happened before. And they weren't going to allow it in the Superbowl, so we did it again and we won the rock paper scissors game.

We made it to the kick line for a 60 yard field goal. We sink it in! It was sudden death and we won! It was crazy.

After that we went to go celebrate by eating barbecued croc at a local shack and went to the beach. The beach was soooo clean. And there were no bunnies I was afraid to accidentally kill!

There we ran, and had fun in the sand.

After a while we went home, took showers, and slept.

The next day...